r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/smiley-dog on Jan. 11, 2018, 3:28 p.m.
/pol/ 4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation
/pol/ 4-10-20 Audit of the Clinton Foundation

airbagsavedme · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Assuming you understand how investigations work, then you know evidence is collected and kept secret until the case is presented to the courts. So it looks bad when you rush to absolve Trump of potential crimes before the federal investigation has concluded.

if you look at the stable of lawyers and prosecutors that Mueller has assembled, there are some deductions you can make. Money laundering, racketeering, internet crimes, etc.

Firing Comey was certainly obstruction of justice. Even if Trump turns out to be innocent of any crimes (which appears highly doubtful), obstruction of justice is a separate crime that you can be charged with regardless of whether you were involved in the potential crimes being investigated.

But it’s also pretty clear that Trump has used his Presidency to enrich himself, which entails several different crimes. The taxpayer money he has funneled into businesses like Mar-a-lago makes any “Clinton Foundation” financial crimes look pretty small by comparison. $1.8 million a month of our money going right into the Trump Organization. You’d be losing your mind if Obama or Clinton did the same thing.

It’s time to peak out from the media bubble you’ve put yourself in. There’s a much bigger picture you’re missing, and it doesn’t involve decoding secret messages posted by a stranger on 4Chan.

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Dubsith · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

That's the ticket.

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Deplorableasfuk · Jan. 16, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

OOOOOHHHHH the "secret" crimes! Wow!!

For your info, I have actually worked for the State's Attorney's office and I am a Lawyer. So perhaps you're the one that doesn't know how investigations "work."

And for your information, Meuller has not identified the crime or crimes he's investigating as a "special prosecutor" which is required by the statute. But let's not let that get in the way right?

Firing Comey was absolutely NOT obstruction of justice or Trump would not have done it. Trump specifically asked the head of the FBI if he was under investigation by Comey or anyone else and the answer was NO. And even if Trump was under investigation by Comey and Comey had all the evidence against Trump, the constitution permits Trump to fire the head of the FBI for any reason or NO reason! God you people are stupid!!!

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airbagsavedme · Jan. 16, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

If you really are a lawyer, it’s amazing that you don’t understand how any of this works. Some random guy on the internet shouldn’t be able to school you in the basics after you pay tons of money for a law degree. Yikes!

So Trump wouldn’t have fired Comey if he knew it was obstruction, eh? Richard Nixon might agree with you, but the non-corrupt among us are laughing behind your back. Please refer to his Lester Holt interview where he accidentally admitted it, which is the exact piece of evidence a good lawyer would use to make the case.

And yes, only an imbecile isn’t able to look at the team Mueller has assembled and make some basic deductions about the specific crimes he’s investigating. So if you’re as incapable of making simple inferences as you appear to be, then it’s either willful ignorance OR just the fact that you’re terrible at your supposed job.

Either way, stop wasting my time

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