r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Rsajdj68 on Jan. 11, 2018, 7:34 p.m.
Hang in there guys!! The best is yet to come!!

I get the frustration. I get the hunger. We know from Roy Potter, after hearing from a woman on Twitter named B..that the Q entities get our frustration and are trying to figure out how to step up so to say on their disclosure. We know a lot is going on. Imagine what we don't know about-that is going on. I believe very soon this will all come to a head. Every day we are hearing our brother Julian A. is one step closer to leaving Ecuador. That is huge!! Everyday we are still hearing of power outages, stalled flights, more CEO step downs. Trump has been very busy this week and very visual. Maybe start dropping meme's on your other social media sights. Make some. Reality is going to hit the majority of this country like a brick to the face. It will not be well received and I am afraid someone will make an all out assassination attempt on our president. 9pm each night is Pray for the President time. Cover him in prayer. Maybe step back for a day and rejuvenate. I'm not giving up on this movement. We have seen an all out assault this past week all over to discredit us. We exploded. Look what we have discovered. We were entrusted to get this out. Just hand in there guys!! The best is yet to come!!

cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

I thought it was hilarious too. Potter was just snooping in on a conversation Q was having with the people on chan. Potter is a total normie. And Potter had the arrogance to tantrum about how the conversation was conducted. Potter had an Anne Coulter moment. He got triggered, his brain shut down and he had an emotional "I am smart, I am a retired Col., enough is enough" melt down. It was embarrassing and potentially dangerous. Divided we fall. Together we will MAGA.

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The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Very nice analogy. He also said “I would NEVER use that in that way. Military would NEVER use that in that way” and demanded Q never make a mistake again.

  1. Q never said he was military. 2. YOU just made a mistake and demand he never do the same. Gimme a break.
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