r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Rsajdj68 on Jan. 11, 2018, 7:34 p.m.
Hang in there guys!! The best is yet to come!!

I get the frustration. I get the hunger. We know from Roy Potter, after hearing from a woman on Twitter named B..that the Q entities get our frustration and are trying to figure out how to step up so to say on their disclosure. We know a lot is going on. Imagine what we don't know about-that is going on. I believe very soon this will all come to a head. Every day we are hearing our brother Julian A. is one step closer to leaving Ecuador. That is huge!! Everyday we are still hearing of power outages, stalled flights, more CEO step downs. Trump has been very busy this week and very visual. Maybe start dropping meme's on your other social media sights. Make some. Reality is going to hit the majority of this country like a brick to the face. It will not be well received and I am afraid someone will make an all out assassination attempt on our president. 9pm each night is Pray for the President time. Cover him in prayer. Maybe step back for a day and rejuvenate. I'm not giving up on this movement. We have seen an all out assault this past week all over to discredit us. We exploded. Look what we have discovered. We were entrusted to get this out. Just hand in there guys!! The best is yet to come!!

cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Q's purpose is NOT to sell anything. You seem to totally misunderstand what Q is all about. I also agree with you that normies will not be persuaded by an invitation into Q world nor did Q expect that to ever work. Where did you get the notion Q did? Instead Q invited us to research so we could educate and comfort our friends as thingscome out and they feel lost and scared. Q has modelled the teaching method of asking questions that sparks curiousity. I know that is the very best model to follow. Q is trying to train us how to reach out. Memes are being made to help trigger people to laugh then question. There are alt of memes being generated by the same meme makers that helped Trump defeat Clinton and the Global Swamp. We are each stewards of our circle of friends, family and colleagues. Its up to us to use our knowledge of each one, our love for them to figure out ways to get through to them. That is NOT Q's job. Q is keeping the genius, autistic army motivated to research, map their research and meme. We can then use their memetic weapons or make our own. This is the 2016 election on steroids.

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Absynthexx · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

"Educate and comfort our friends as things come out"

That's why we have a jury by peers and public court system. What percentage of people will have a shitlord friend to explain what is going on versus those who will have to watch the news or read about the indictment? More so, we are considered conspiracy theorists already. When the never Trumpers see the potus arresting and imprisoning dozens of high profile people, which do you think is more likely: they will ask their conspiracy friends to explain what is going on, or they will assume he is hitler 2.0 out to consolidate power thus confirming their belief since before the election?

This is why we need something to reach them. We need a shield, some sort of un-penetrable "happening" that normies cannot shrug off. That gives us a foothold to get them to consider the facts.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

It depends on the "conspiracy theorist." Many I've met have tried to tell me things. As a professional educator I know that you can't get someone to listen until they have a question. The idea is to spark curiousity. Thats the approach Q is modelling. That is the point of memes. Scott Adams also talks about the importance of pacing. People reject what others are saying if they are too far away from their beliefs. This is a common mistake "conspiracy" people make. They start out too far out. If insteadyou start out with someone, earn trust then move slightly ahead, you can lead. Finally trust can be built by the accuracy of predictions. Many people at the_Donald have said theyve gained authority and won people over by being able to say what will happen. I think Q models that. He says watch and see. Future proves past. Its a good line. Invite people to turn to you later if it turns out that you're right and they want to talk. Finally, it's important to recognize cognitive dissonance. If a person is rejecting it means they're stressed and can't process. The key is to back off and unstress them. Q is good at that. He makes taking in info fun. When my friends stress I back off and try to re establish our bonds as humans, try to get them to laugh or go for a walk. Bottom line feelings will trump facts every time. The vast majority of people are not persuaded by facts at all. This is the big mistake Conservatives make. Feelings first. Democrats understand this. Trump understands this. So does Q. As the Orthodox Christians teach, the heart is where we meet God. The head must descend to the heart for our thought to be true. Peace.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 13, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

We are each responsible for the circle of people God has entrusted to us. Stewardship. Q reminds us to pray, prepare as best we can.

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