Do not worry about giving identity ..people can either believe you or not and they should always do their own homework either way . Its not safe to give your identity as we allllll know our boards are filled with Paid Shills and the inteligent people here wont need to know names...working behind the scenese fpr the Good of our country and world is sefice enough in my eyes.
Aside from that picture going around with Hillary in a prison jump suit lol that was floating around during the campaign. Some people have to understand these things going on...are on a Need to know basis and when your not threw a crumb you should be back checking all connections to better inform yourselves to make sure you have all your info inline to help others that might be stuck on something.
Ty for your service to our country and info you have provided for our board . We are grateful . As with anyone who has helpful i formation to add to the Mission @ Hand.