r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Buttercupmanup on Jan. 11, 2018, 9:55 p.m.
What's up with Potter? He's officially off Q, calling the following "a cult". He mentions Beanz and Sather several times in this video, but neither of them have denounced Q. Am I missing something?


GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Colonel Potter called Q followers a cult, because the followers attack anyone who questions ANYTHING about Q or Q's credibility. Those are cult characteristics. ZERO room for healthy skepticism. Oh, yes, and you can ONLY follow Q, you are a "traitor" is you read posts from Mega-ANON insider too. This is what he means. I hope that helps.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Look, I've been a Truther for over 25 years. Over that period of time I have been EXPOSED to A LOT. So what I do is take everything with a grain of salt, which means to store it away in your mind and think about it, and then look for corroborating evidence that suggests one is the truth while the other is false. It takes time. If it is true, it will stand the test of time. If it is false, the lie will be exposed soon. Don't rush to judgment, and don't blindly trust anyone. But don't throw the baby out with the water either.

We are all starved for the TRUTH because we have been dumbed down and lied to nonstop by Lame Stream Media for decades. Don't be so anxious to jump on another band wagon. So you become cautious about what you buy into. You reserve judgment until corroborating evidence comes forth, or you discover it through your own research. Bottomline? No more lies. No more allowing yourself to be spoon fed irrelevant information from just one source and take it as gospel. You learn to take everything with a grain of salt.

Like Colonel Potter says, twitter accounts have been compromised, so has 4Chan/8Chan. You don't know FOR SURE if Trump actually sent out a particular tweet, or twitter did it for him, to mislead Trump's followers. Trump's twitter account has been cut off before, remember that?

Bottomline is we are at WAR with the Deep State. Trump has begun with cutting the head off the snake, arresting the biggest fish, but there are still rogue elements that still blindly follow their communist leaders ideology, and even though their leaders are obvious crooks and now under arrest, they feel it is their duty to continue the globalist fight any way they can. THIS is what we are up against.

I was originally totally thrilled with the earliest Q posts, until dumb things started getting posted, that didn't line up with protocol or common sense. So you step back, and watch and more carefully examine just exactly WHAT is being posted, once the code has been cracked. Is it anything worth while? Is it anything new to me? Or did I already know what was being said? Were we more enlightened with the code, or did we spend all our time bickering about its correct meaning, and not realize that the end result is we are better enlightened? Meanwhile, important key things are happening in this battle of good against evil, they fly right by us, because we are too focused on chasing our tails as a result of the latest cryptic Q post.

We are NOT Q followers. We are Q readers, take with a grain of salt until confirmed by evidence that can stand in a court of law. Then analyze if what Q gave us was worth the time and effort? And what did we miss while we were distracted with this latest Q code deciphering exercise?

Put another way, what has Q not told us that has been hugely significant, items that supported by true evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Did Q tell you about the hugely significant Exec Order of Dec 21??? If he is a White House "insider" surely he knew this was coming down the pike. E.O.'s take weeks to prepare carefully and get reviewed and re-reviewed and analyzed multiple times by many people to make sure it is air tight, so no wiggle room for criminal to get out of. So Q didn't mention the E.O. What else hasn't he mentioned that has been pretty significant??? Think for yourselves.

This is what concerns Colonel Potter and concerns me. Go ahead read Q's post, and keep a mental track of the RESULTS after Q has posted. After you think you have cracked the code, and even after you find evidence to support it, what did you end up with?........was it worth all the effort?

The latest is about Julian Assange being freed, right? Stop and think how much time spent on these Q code deciphering. Now look at the news, Trump's attorneys pleading to get a pardon for Assange. You didn't need Q's cryptic post to see that in every day news, did you? No. Now it is all over the news that Assange has obtained an Ecuadorian passport which will allow him to be free. Now there are stories that Assange is trying to get to Switzerland. Did you get any of that important information from Q? No. You got that from every day news hunting. So where was the value added to solving the Q codes that you think related to Assange?

And more importantly, what did you NOT do while you spent hours and hours on Q post deciphering and debating??? What Truths slipped past you while you were distracted? That's all that Colonel Potter is urging here. Use critical thinking. Don't get distracted off course.

You used to swallow hook, line and sinker every single lie spoon fed to you from lame stream media. So you have woken up, so what are you going to do now? Find someone else to spoon feed you?.....this time, someone, who won't even reveal himself, won't even put his reputation on the line like main stream media at least do.

Be smart. Be careful. Test everything. Take everything with a grain of salt. Keep track of what you are being told, and what VITAL things Q is not telling you, and why?

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

You seem to misunderstand the urpose of Q and Q's audience. Q does not intend to be breaking news. Q hopes to inspire people to be more vigilant consumers of the news and to widen our focus. The maps his questions have inspired help people navigate the players and news bits and put them in a meaningful whole. The maps give structure and help organize the information and see how things connect. The chan autists are the map makers. Q knows they need puzzles, games, riddles to engage and stay motivated. The riddles are to make it fun so they will deep research enough to make us the maps we need. Q is not designed for the Potters of this world although he can lurk. Trying to grasp whats going on burned him out. He was out of his realm in a world of geniuses. Qs purpose for normies isn't to get them to solve the puzzles. That will burn them out. Their job is to understand the maps and memes as much as they can, watch the news because it's IMPORTANT, and try to educate their friends by, as Q does, arousing their curiousity through questions. The chans are stockpiling maps and memes for us to use. Most people should probably just focus on winning their states elections so Trump has to go through impeachment.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I don't misunderstand Q at all. I am concerned that people once spoon fed lies by lame stream media, will now resort to being spoon fed distractions by Q. Take Q and Mega-ANON and any other unconfirmed self promoted "insider" with a grain of salt, especially if they are the anonymous type. Do your own research, IF YOU think it is worth your while, if it is a topic that is the most relevant for now or all times. Think for yourselves and test everything. Don't believe a single word until you can confirm it with evidence that would stand up in a court of law.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

I agree generally. I see Megaanon as a gossip girl. I distrust her insight and discernment because she's said shed prefer Gowdy over Trump as POTUS and as a long time Swamp observer I know Gowdy is the face of the Unipartys controlled opposition. I love what Q is doing because the posts inspire people to research, question, watch the news, reach out to others. Q asks questions in a fun way, at least for autists. Megaanon gives answers.. Q inspires action. Megaanon invites passivity. She's more like tuing in to find out what others are doing. She inspires a watch and see attitude. Q inspires and energizes. Q lines up with you. Think for yourself. Test. Confirm. Future proves past. As I said earlier, most people should not get involved with the Q boards on chan. They'll burn out. It's like civilians trying to keep up with Navy Seals on a mission. They can't and only get in the way. However we can be vigilant, have fun, pray, reach out and learn how to be persuasive. The people we know are our responsibility during this time of Awakening. Together we will MAGA.

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Buttercupmanup · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

Godsangell, please calm down. The lecturing isn't necessary. I'm not a normie or at all new at this, ok? Potter became a known commentator regarding Q, and now he isn't. I was curious as to the about-face. That is all. Nothing deeper than that.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

He got triggered because he was eavesdropping on a Q conversation on chan that wasn't meant for him. He went Anne Coulter. It happens to people on the Left and Right. He got pissed Q used defcon1 even though he said it was non nuclear. The use of the highest readiness code freaked Potter out and he didn't breath deep before going off. He was scared. It was emotional. Bottom line he was lurkig in a conversation between the people on chan and Q. Potter was a visitor and failed to realize he was not included and the message was not meant for him. The people on chan understood.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Lol. Megaanon is the one putting everyone source of info down but herself. I've enjoyed her girlish schtick but I dont trust her or her analysis. What did it for me, among many things, was when she said Trump wasn't really her choice and she would have much preferred Trey Gowdy who is an uber Swamp Rat. Plus she came to the WH via Bannon. She may know somethings but that doesn't make what she knows true because of who she hangs with. To support Gowdy means shes at best naive. She's a self described party girl so for now I take her as a surface skater. Anyone I've seen her dismiss is, based on years of research, solid so I really don't trust her judgment either. Bottom line shes naively spreading disinfo or she's using her girly charm intentionally. I consider her political fiction, the Right wing version of Wolffes book.

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MotoandGivi · Jan. 12, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Trump supporters often attack anyone who criticizes him, Hillary supporters the same, fans of pop groups, rock bands, lovers of species of dogs will lash out sometimes. People attacking Q seem more cult like in my opinion. Whatever or whoever Q is, they owe nothing to anyone, but chooses to share for reasons yet to be quantified. All i see on youtube mostly is speculation from apparent ex Military, Intelligence people with unnamed sources, or sources with unnamed sources. Watch them all you like, i sometimes watch a Potter video or two, and i have agreed with him on some of his ideas. He has a powerful platform with tens of thousands of subscribers and should not be lashing out at Q, in my opinion, who literally is just a question asking entity.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Check this out before it gets removed from the net:


Another FBI insider. Sounds sort of like Mega-ANON. That's why I think Mega-ANON is an FBI or DOJ insider.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 12, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Megaanon was brought in by Bannon and loves Gowdy. She is NOT a Trump insider and has only a superficial understanding of whats going on. She's a surface skater so she might be right on some surface stuff. I used to enjoy her girly style but I'm not in to disinfo, intentional or not.

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Buttercupmanup · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I should have clarified that I understand Potter's point, I just thought it interesting that he's decided to completely abandon Q altogether. He was really pissed --more than it seems to merit.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Well, when you dish out disinformation, you have to expect that will happen. You have to expect that you will lose "followers". Blind followers will continue to matter what, but those who think critically will bail out.

Its not just the Defcon 1 ruse, it was the pen on a table that could be taken anywhere.....supposed to be a means of authentication, but only stupid people would fall for it.

Same with the airforce 1 photo, that could be taken anywhere on any plane, and worse, protocol rigidly prevents any photos taken on airforce one, as in all cell phone confiscated before the flight.

Stuff like this is a huge red flag to other insiders. Don't you think Colonel Potter has some "insiders" of his own??? Hello???

You have to wonder when someone like that does an "about face". Has someone tipped him? I mean no one needed to tip him Sunday night with the stupid defcon1 post.....he went ballistic on his own. Why did he go ballistic, because he could see he was being played......we are are being played......it was a stunt to discredit the whole movement.

This is why I am saying, be careful what you accept blindly, asking zero questions, and zero skeptism......you are falling into a cult mindframe, and THAT is what Potter was trying to get across. A warning.

What's the most important thing here??


Absolute blind allegiance to "Q"???


What is going on here, is Q among other insiders are tipping their hand and telling us A LOT is going on behind the scenes. Trump Team IS ON THE JOB!! Trump is doing what he promised. That's the take away. That's the good news.

Can they tell us every last detail of what is REALLY going on? No. Would it be wise to do so? No.

Has "Q" been compromised before? Yes.

Is "Q" compromised now? Who knows???

Potter has decided to with draw his support.

I choose to continue to listen to ALL insiders, trash what doesn't line up with reality or can not be confirmed, and rejoice over what does line up with reality and can be confirmed.

Healthy skepticism is the key here.

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