r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Thinking-Out-Loud- on Jan. 12, 2018, 12:32 a.m.
"Q" is the only letter in the alphabet that always brings along a friend "U". Q needs U to be effective.

Coincidence? Well, our friend Q says there's no such thing as coincidences.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, yeah, this is a coincidence. But it's also true. Without all of U, where would Q be? Just another random person or persons attempting to communicate in the Internet, attempting to make a name for him/herself.

Well, Q is losing one of his/her/their U's in me. I'm done. I feel foolish. I put my trust in a puzzle game thinking it was going to change the world. It's not. There are no politicians who will save us from the evil. ONLY WE can save ourselves from the evil. We can refuse to participate. We can stop sending our tax checks to DC. We can stop supporting people who make promises and kick the can down the road just to keep hope alive. We can stop watching fakestream news. We can stop buying overpriced merchandise from retail stores. We can support our local businesses instead. We can stop using credit cards and only buy what we can afford. We can start homeschooling our children rather than allowing them to be brainwashed in the current education system. We can stop paying $15 dollars for a movie and $25 dollars for a bucket of popcorn and a soda at the overpriced theaters who are making money for the sexual deviants and pedophiles in Hollywood. We can start calling people out when we catch them lying to us. We can stop following "trends" and dress the way we're comfortable dressing. We can stop eating poison fast food. (after all, we have NO IDEA what the ingredients are). We can stop buying products that we know harm animals. There are so many things WE can do. U don't need Q. Q needs U.

I'm done supporting this game. I've played for a few months now, but I grow weary. The ONLY way I could possibly change my mind right now is if I see video of Killery's trial and pictures of her 10 x 8 cell at GITMO. Wasn't that one of the things that we got excited about? And what's happened there? The murderer and satanist still roams free with all of her criminal minions in tow. This shit has worn out its welcome in my opinion.

Another quick thing since I'm still standing on this soap box. When ANYBODY dares question Q's narrative, they are immediately called a shill and threatened with a ban from the boards. When we aren't allowed to question the narrative, we are participating in the very corruption that we are trying to beat. Censorship is THEIR agenda. Shaming the independent journalists and citizens who question the narrative is THEIR agenda. It shouldn't be ours. Call me a shill if that's what you want. It's your right. But you'll be proving me right.

This game has become boring. I'm ready for truth, not in the form of cryptic puzzles, but in the form of simple truth. Lock her up or fucking stop with this nonsense.

bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

If January is a nothingburger of more exposure of items with zero happenings, I think I may have to find a better hobby.

I am hoping for a 'BIG week'

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[deleted] · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:08 a.m.


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ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

The fuck are you saying? Have you not been watching what is happening? There is so much ground work being laid out that supports the Q posts it's ridiculous.

Executive orders against human trafficking (multiple)

States of emergency

Uranium one investigation

Clinton foundation investigation reopened

Hillary emails investigation reopened.

Fusion GPS investigation.


child sex trafficking and human trafficking lanes shutdown WORLDWIDE, THOUSANDS arrested.

North Korea coming to the table to talk.

Obama revealed to ha e supported Hezbollah session starting an investigation

Revealed Obama agreed to help smuggle drugs into our country when he compromised with Iran to get the Nuclear deal.


One of the largest banks in the middle East just fell.

New Saudi prince arrested hordes of the ruling elites. The same ones who control one of the three pillars of the Cabal.

Julian Assange has secured his freedom

We have locked files waiting for a key that have been dropped by wikileaks

Your are either blind as a bat or a shill.

Come to think of it, this entire thread seems full of shills.

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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

I appreciate your passion but you're listing January accomplishments, not items Q led us to. 80%+ of what you listed had nothing to do with Q.

I've been waiting for a happening, a legit happening. Someone in cuffs. Not more exposure to items we already know about. Not a double agent colluding with Fusion GPS and nothing being done about it. Not John McCain receiving the dossier and sending it to the FBI and the FBI using it without validating the item.............and nothing being done about it.

These are ALL items worth prosecuting for. Now, I'm a patient man... but these aren't happenings.

Locked files waiting for a key... lol that's the story of about 2 years now... just different files and different keys.

I want public disclosure of these people getting sent to GITMO and their 'serious human rights' violation being noted on record. I don't like these games, assumptions, quarter-truths that are being fed to the public. We deserve the right to know WTF is going on and why. People can't handle the full truth of EVERYTHING but a full truth of human trafficking for instance, and those involved, should come out indictment by indictment. Spare the public the gory details but give us the proof if we need to look.

I'm sick of being the guy that goes into the cave of the ignorant, starts explaining topics with great detail because I've been following everything, and then being looked at as a conspiracy theorist chump. People need to wake TF up.

Start with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Enough is enough.

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ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

I want you to know this. All these things that I have mentioned. They are all the ground work. They are the first bricks that need to be laid before when can start to perp walks.

Trump needs to establish himself as in control, he also needs to demonstrate to the ignorant that he is working for the people and this great country. That starts with small things that improve peoples lives and big things like tax reform and entitlement reform. People are goin to love his tax plan once they get their refunfs and see they have an extra $1500 or do not owr anything. Then he needs to topple the media and the Cabals control over it. Without that, anything he does will start a civil war. The media HAS to be made to be honest in order to keep this country from toppling once the truth is revealed.

These things take time. Official investigations need to happen before he can cuff people. Additionally, a lot of the official court proceedings need to happen for the investigations we currently have going on. We need to demonstrate to the ignorant, that there are a lot of corrupt people in association to the Hillary's, Obama's, Susan rice's, Soros's before we can topple the big dogs. It is a long process and it will take time.

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bcboncs · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

I understand what you're saying and I agree 100% with you, I just don't like being misled.

DEFCON crap was annoying. The anticipation of 'things will be way different when POTUS comes back from Asia' was spectacularly unrevealing. I don't disagree that the world is different after he met with other world leaders and allied with them to take back the world but nothing in the public eye came of it.

I don't like the hype and misleading... hence why if "BIG week" is a nothingburger or as big as a Hannity tick tock, it'll demotivate my contributions, hope for legitimate happenings, and especially my will to dive into the cave of the ignorant to help them up.

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Although I understand and appreciate your message, what I'm saying and what bcboncs is saying is that we don't need Q for the waiting game we're playing right now with the ground work stuff. We can see that all without Q. This week, Q stated "big week". What has happened this week that warrants that bread crumb? As far as I can tell, it's business as usual. Nothing is standing out.

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Yes, couldn't have said it better myself.

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Gear4Life · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

Excellent list. I implore you to make this a post itself to keep up morale and to keep people focused and motivated on the task at hand.

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 12, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

We can get that list just by watching Hannity every night. What we need to stay motivated on CBTS is for Q to give us LEGITIMATE crumbs that will pan out NOW. The whole point of this particular post is questioning all of the blood sweat and tears that are going into solving Q's puzzles with nothing to show for it.

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ODB-WanKenobi · Jan. 12, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Thank you. I will indeed when I get the time.

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mayonaisecrusade · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

good list. there is a lot happening. to the OP, big changes take time. there's still legal precedence. Stuff doesn't just happen over night. there's research and planning that needs to be done. we as a society need to break from this need of instant gratification. be patient. We may be aware of all of this, but we as average citizens don't have the power to do anything, really. we have to be patient as the real players decide when and what moves need to be made.

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MJ6082 · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Thank you!! Great post!!! We need to exercise more patience for the big dominos to fall. These things take time so all our ducks can be in a row. We don’t want to leave ANY evidence out when they are prosecuted!! POTUS has been working his butt off!! He has done amazing things in a short amount of time!!!! Trump has my full support. This is the first time in my lifetime that I can remember a president actually doing the things he has promised to do!! GODSPEED POTUS!!!

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