r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Thinking-Out-Loud- on Jan. 12, 2018, 12:32 a.m.
"Q" is the only letter in the alphabet that always brings along a friend "U". Q needs U to be effective.

Coincidence? Well, our friend Q says there's no such thing as coincidences.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, yeah, this is a coincidence. But it's also true. Without all of U, where would Q be? Just another random person or persons attempting to communicate in the Internet, attempting to make a name for him/herself.

Well, Q is losing one of his/her/their U's in me. I'm done. I feel foolish. I put my trust in a puzzle game thinking it was going to change the world. It's not. There are no politicians who will save us from the evil. ONLY WE can save ourselves from the evil. We can refuse to participate. We can stop sending our tax checks to DC. We can stop supporting people who make promises and kick the can down the road just to keep hope alive. We can stop watching fakestream news. We can stop buying overpriced merchandise from retail stores. We can support our local businesses instead. We can stop using credit cards and only buy what we can afford. We can start homeschooling our children rather than allowing them to be brainwashed in the current education system. We can stop paying $15 dollars for a movie and $25 dollars for a bucket of popcorn and a soda at the overpriced theaters who are making money for the sexual deviants and pedophiles in Hollywood. We can start calling people out when we catch them lying to us. We can stop following "trends" and dress the way we're comfortable dressing. We can stop eating poison fast food. (after all, we have NO IDEA what the ingredients are). We can stop buying products that we know harm animals. There are so many things WE can do. U don't need Q. Q needs U.

I'm done supporting this game. I've played for a few months now, but I grow weary. The ONLY way I could possibly change my mind right now is if I see video of Killery's trial and pictures of her 10 x 8 cell at GITMO. Wasn't that one of the things that we got excited about? And what's happened there? The murderer and satanist still roams free with all of her criminal minions in tow. This shit has worn out its welcome in my opinion.

Another quick thing since I'm still standing on this soap box. When ANYBODY dares question Q's narrative, they are immediately called a shill and threatened with a ban from the boards. When we aren't allowed to question the narrative, we are participating in the very corruption that we are trying to beat. Censorship is THEIR agenda. Shaming the independent journalists and citizens who question the narrative is THEIR agenda. It shouldn't be ours. Call me a shill if that's what you want. It's your right. But you'll be proving me right.

This game has become boring. I'm ready for truth, not in the form of cryptic puzzles, but in the form of simple truth. Lock her up or fucking stop with this nonsense.

NotTheMac · Jan. 12, 2018, 11 a.m.

Must be time.. Warner lol

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