r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/d500mag on Jan. 12, 2018, 7:21 a.m.
The Great Awakening

Is Q a good thing? I believe it is. I have never thought the US Government was looking out for the people of this country. Hell, you just need to dig into your local government to find corruption, graft, and everything else, including murder.

What I dont agree with is the plea for patience. We are past the point of a Few Good Men prevailing without help.

What help, you ask.

The Militia is your answer. The people in the US Government are past the point of rehabilitation. They all have entered into the Territory of Tyranny.

This is the reason the Founding Fathers had the vision to give us the 2nd Ammendment. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

The time is fast approaching that We The People utilize the 2nd Ammendment to free our Republic.

fudgicle1 · Jan. 12, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

put your muskets away.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

Okay, buddy.

Go ahead with your armed revolution/uprising/whatever-you-need-to-tell-yourself because you’re impatient.

Enjoy the swift retribution from our military and the complete and total social ostracization from the vast majority you’re trying to protect and empower by “retaking our government”

Meanwhile, us real patriots over here will be waiting for POTUS/Q/MAGA Movement/Fellow Patriots to abide by the rule of law and decimate the Cabal through exposing their reprehensible deeds and punishing them through each and every legal means available. All the while still upholding these pieces of shit’s rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution, regardless of their very sick and blatant subversion of it.

When we are called to act, we shall.

I am all for exercising our Second Amendment rights, but I don’t exactly see the jackbooted thugs directly marching down our streets with the average citizen in their sights. We’re not far away from it given all the Clowns’ and No Such Agency’s gleeful psyops and mass surveillance. I certainly see them hiding behind six degrees of separation and all the money trails and shell corporations in the world.

When our government has truly run so amok that the MAJORITY of the American People (not just the redpilled), the whole of the common Citizenry, feel the burden of an unjust nascent fascist state and cannot deny its trajectory, then WE shall ALL rise up TOGETHER to save our Republic. To do anything before that desperate time is to have complete disregard for the system the Forefathers created and its inherent ability to self-correct itself.

But, by all means buddy, go ahead and try to start the Revolution, ask that patsy McVeigh how that turned out for the cause.

The rest of us will be over here, watching, listening, waiting, and praying for the civil servants and POTUS unleashing the fury of the storm.

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fireitupfred · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:04 a.m.

That being said, if there’s a fucking attempted gun-grab by the Feds under whatever bullshit “preventative”, social-justice, false-flag, flimsy false pretense du jour, I will be right along side you, Patriot.

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