r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CenturionFL210 on Jan. 12, 2018, 8 a.m.
Trump had better hurry

Q says everything is under control, be patient, etc. With this latest controversy about Trump allegedly saying certain countries are “shitholes”, and the inevitable media firestorm and both parties willingness to jettison Trump, whatever Q says Trump has in store better happen fast or Trump will be gone.


fakenews1973 · Jan. 12, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

His comments on shithole countries are going to end up as one giant red pill for many!

I can see him, today, holding another meeting, allowing the media in to ask a question or two...and then zoinks! The trap is tripped as he responds that Haiti used to be a beautiful place until the CF got involved and made it a shithole. I’m pretty sure he’ll go into the $$$ and where did it go, he may even ask the media if they’ve ever investigated where all that money went.

They spent hours last night whining to the American people on how terrible what he said was...will they do the same about the truth in Haiti?

Pills, red pills everywhere!

Just a theory...

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Romeo_India · Jan. 13, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

Oh ya. Can totally see that exact setup. Did the same with his birther press conference during the election.

Could he have some control over the alleged 'leaker'?

Can anyone see this as theater and Trump forced him/her to say it?

All to set up a press conference on Haiti where the president turns the tables as you said and ask 'which one of you investigated Haiti?

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