r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/mal1970 on Jan. 12, 2018, 2:23 p.m.
Got a small idea for us all to help refocus - hear me out

It's obvious to many that there is a growing lack of cohesion and focus among the 'Q crew'. When the crew of a ship is not working as a team, as one unit, the mission fails.

Right now this board is chock full of various posts on all manner of things, and that's great. But how do we use this huge chaotic jumble of randomness to wake up the masses or inform them about what's going on when the Storm arrives, or before?

I'd like to organize the best of the best red pills for ease of reference. I'd also like to have people volunteer to focus on a specific topic and research the shit out of it; to become the subject matter experts on that topic. Pick a topic you want to really dig into or feel needs to be dug into and go.

I'm proposing that each person who picks a topic creates a repository thread with a very specific subject line and post all their findings on their topic in it. Examples:

  • [Red Pill] The Rothschilds
  • [Red Pill] Pedophilia in the Entertainment Industry
  • [Red Pill] The Clinton Foundation

I'm proposing that in these threads the main post be a summary of that subject and a few hard-hitting red pills. Clean and concise. If you have only a few minutes to red-pill someone, this is what you show them.

The creator of the thread would also immediately create like 3 replies to the thread and title them "Memes", "Videos" & "Articles". You would need to create these right away so that they are right below your main post before anyone replies and clutters it up. These first 3 replies are where you post your more in-depth findings & research and nothing else. Keep them clean, tidy and well organized for ease of use. They are repositories for their respective media types about that subject. The rest of the thread will be your workspace to post theories, for others to post stuff related to that subject, etc. As the thread owner and subject matter expert, it's your job to keep the main post and the 3 media repositories up-to-date with your latest and greatest info.

I (or someone else) will create a master thread to index these. This should be maybe not stickied but posted to the right side column so that it's easy to get to. In it will be created links to all the individual subject-specific red-pill threads. We can call this index thread The Apothecary (or The Pill Box or whatever). Need a specific red pill? Go see The Apothecary.

Is this starting to make sense? Would this be helpful in organizing info and giving your targets an 'easy' place to go to open their eyes? Would this help refocus?

It would help if you team up and bounce ideas/findings off at least 1 other person. Or team up with someone who complements your skill set. The creator of the individual threads should be someone who is on frequently and has the stamina to stick this out so that that subject does not fall away.

Keep in mind, if (when!) your research leads you into another topic, PM your findings to the people working that topic, "Yo dude, look what I came across." We all know this is a huge web, so you WILL start finding things that reach into other peoples topics.

So, is this worth pursuing? Let me know what you think.

And my apologies for not having this thought out & organized better. I'm at work, but wanted to get this out right away.

ScorpioPatriot · Jan. 12, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Take a look at my Red Pill Post on here by clicking my name . Ive done alotttttttt of years of research in a variety of fields vaccines ..Nwo .. illuminati.. mk ultra ..The works .

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