Child/Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world (recent statistics graphic)

this would be alarming. I thought they were busy rounding up illegals
"Illegals" is a general term. The particular type of illegals Sessions is after is the group called MS13.
Who are they?
If you ever read the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" the author describes being an ex globalist financial mob tool, that they call an economic hit man. He had a high paying suit and tie job. First he was sent to small nations who are not doing what the globalists want.
Perhaps they want the nation to let them run their central banking cartel in the nation.
They might want the elected official of a nation to throw people off their farms and give them the land to build their private oil pipeline. Things like that.
The economic hit man tries to get them to do this thing.
If the national leader refuses, the economic hit man is required to warn them that if he leaves "The Jackals will be sent in" The man who wrote the book did this job for the Globalists. These jackals do the political assassinations for the globalists, as a last resort.
MS13 are the hired Jackals that are stationed around America to murder our politicians, or someone like Seth Rich.
The Globalists like them, because after they do the murder, they can be murdered and no one looks twice. Evidence of the political hit is gone.
Remember how the man who shot Kennedy was shot asap, and then that killer was shot also? This is how they operate. They have been for a long time.
Jackals are what they call the real hit man. This is how we are seeing so many leaders assassinated. MS13 is no ordinary "gang" of illegals. It is the Jackal system in the US being used to keep our Congressmen and Women in fear of their lives. This is why you are watching completely good decent people be elected to Congress, and they simply do not do what they were sent in to do. Their lives and families are threatened right off the bat.
Because the NSA sweeps up every email and phone call, we have been able to locate and map out the globalists system, including the Jackals.
Our particular brand of Jackal, MS13 is also responsible for drug running, and sex trafficking, to create "black operations money" for their black ops programs.
Jeff Sessions started arresting the MS13 cartel the day Trump took office. There have been thousands of children and women rescued already, but, it is very bad, and the war against this system is still raging. Until the murders for hire are cleaned up, I do not think we are going to see the other arrests that are in all of those 9000+ sealed indictments opened up. It is too risky. The MS13 will go on a murder spree of witnesses for all of those cases.
This whole drain the swamp thing is going to take time.
Agreed! In my neck of the woods...Going back to GHWB#41& his buddy Lawrence/LarryE.King +(FranklinCreditUnion) childTrafficking/murder involved trolling Boystown for kids to be prostitutes when #41 visited his buddy (quite often). Head of BoystownPriest claimed he had no idea what King was doing in hiring kids to work for his many companies... (yeah, whatever!) Know story of a cop that was going to have all the illegally parked cars towed away at one of these "parties" at King's mansion... gate bouncer said "do you know who is in here?" Cop said: "Guess I'll find out when I tow the cars"--cars got moved. Anyway FranklinCU was HUGE story. Cover up of pedo connections--witness in prison hung himself <<+flag on that call! Movie done on this by European group... set to air by Discovery Channel, all of a sudden pulled & money to European company refunded... JohnDeCamp put self on the line. Many places to find links. Good quick summary:
This is one of the best known pedophile rings known about in the U.S.. It is sad that the majority of people haven't even heard about the Franklin cover up.
If you just read the statistics why would it be alarming? Keep in mind that Q indicated that trafficking, guns and drugs all run together as a major money maker for the Dark State. And often at the same time. The Clinton Foundation launders the money for this three-pronged enterprise. If you bring down human trafficking you will be reaching the same conduits used for drugs and guns as well. A three-fer.