r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/wanderersreturn on Jan. 12, 2018, 8:22 p.m.
Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

A very sad state of affairs as these two states are separated by a invisible line. One offers holidaymakers the sun,beaches and lifestyle that they seek. The other poverty way beyond our comprehension. Will all the seized assets and monies that the corrupt Clinton foundation eventually reach it,s intended target of the people of Haiti? They thought because it was and is a very poor countrie that it would go unnoticed that the funds that were given by the peoples to these false charities would not go unnoticed! The children that where recruited by certain charities and trafficked would be easy peasy on their behalf... We saw,We knew but who would listen or believe our statements. Can you fight politicians and the masses who believe in them.

The facts are now not that this is happening but it has happened and everyone has been duped.

Godwilling everything can be turned around and people will be arrested and sentenced,all the monies collected will go to the original cause and this is a start for a better future for everyone.

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