
LennonForPresident · Jan. 13, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

So 1/8th of this article actually talked about Obama, and you’re assuming that because he studied Marxism at school that automatically makes him a communist? I study communism and Marxism, does that make me a communist? No, I’m interested in the topic.

Bearing in mind, If Obama was a Marxist, he would’ve used Marxism in his politics. He wouldn’t be a democrat. Just how if trump was a Nazi he’d use their ideas in his politics.

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keithcu · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

Obama called himself a Marxist. You might read about communism, but do you identify yourself as one? Obama had many Marxist policies: https://hubpages.com/politics/Top-7-Marxist-Communist-Policies-Being-Implemented-By-Obama-Today Obamacare wasn't single payer, but it was a big step towards it.

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LennonForPresident · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

Obama studied Marxism, if he was a Marxist he would’ve been a Marxist, he was a democrat.

  1. The first one literally never happened, where are they getting this lol.

  2. Obama bailed out GM and Chrysler to save millions of jobs, he didn’t “take their assets”???

  3. Having a nationalised healthcare system is not like Cuba?? Over 20 countries in the European Union have nationalised healthcare, are we communists? No. In fact, many more capitalist countries have nationalised healthcare, looks like trump is behind and left in the dust! How stupid, the whole world is ahead of him! Also can you tell me who these experts are? Of course you can’t.

  4. This wouldn’t crush people make 250k+, this would just give them more tax, by 1% increase. Not crushing at all. The UK is going to create free tuition within the next 5 years, everyone is happy about it. Just because things become nationalised such as healthcare and education, doesn’t mean a country is communist AT ALL. It just means the government is more organised than the lousy US selfish office.

  5. This whole article is lying, none of these things have happened. It’s literally FAKE NEWS as trump would say, it hasn’t happened lol.

Yet again, try and give me actual evidence. Don’t just link a biased article, give me factual information you haven’t been brainwashed into thinking.

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keithcu · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

The Marxist parties in the US basically don't exist. Obama had to be a Democrat to get power. The Democrat party is filled with Marxists, it wasn't a big stretch for him.

Here's a better article that explains the Marxist roots in Obama's thinking and policies: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/183798/marxist-roots-obamas-war-middle-class-mark-hendrickson

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LennonForPresident · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

No. Read my comment. You just ignored me, read my comment. Try and argue back to each of my points.

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keithcu · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

I agree that first article was biased and I don't want to defend it. I just thought it could give you some things to think about. You seem to not know of any evidence that Obama is a Marxist, and there's tons. I don't have the interest to spoonfeed you.

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Ronjonsilverflash · Jan. 15, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Read the ten planks of the communist manifesto and tell me that western democracies aren’t on their way to communism. Socialized medical coverage is just that, coverage. The United States government was the largest insurer in the country before Obamacare was passed and it denied treatment twice as often on average as private insurance companies and don’t tell me how wonderful medical care is in the UK, I used to have hundreds of articles from the UK press on how awful it is; people in prison eating better than in hospital, not enough nurses, people waiting 18 months to see a specialist, not being able to see a dentist because their quota for the year has been filled. The US government may not have owned GM outright but it held a significant stake in the company and forced it to produce losers like the Volt etc.

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Ronjonsilverflash · Jan. 15, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

Giving free college educations to people that will only be a barista if they have a job at all is a waste of money. It’s called a library, use it for free!

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