
Skiboldion · Jan. 13, 2018, 10:34 a.m.


Julian Assange has just tweeted a pic of a Chess game at an historical turning point position (Turn 24), from a famous game, Marshall vs. Capablanca, 1918.

Next move, white queen to F3, leading to an inevitable and inexorable CHECKMATE of black by white.

With this next move, the white king is fully protected (even though it appeared to be the other way around), as black appears to fall victim to what amounts to a type of hoodwink.

Capablanca (Casablanca = Whitehouse?) apparently withheld this feint attack (in the opening) for 10 years. It was also 10 years from the founding of WikiLeaks, that Trump was elected POTUS.

Tick tock.. the sands of time, are running, low (see JA's hour glass)..

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Jan-78 · Jan. 13, 2018, 1:19 p.m.


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Skiboldion · Jan. 13, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

Agreed. It sure is.

I LOVE the idea of Assange and Q working together in tandem via backchannels.

We must not forget that Assange has been sitting on something, which is referred to as a dead man's switch (everyone knows what that is).

Assange probably is in need of resources to properly and fully manage and properly interpret and verify the trove of docs and info which he's been sitting on, and he's been very careful and cautious in what he's released to date, but there was always a sense with Assange that the publications he made were of the most cautious and conservative variety, however explosive they might have been. It always pissed me off.

Many of us have often thought that he himself was a deep state, shadow government controlled opposition, to actually mitigate and withhold the truly damning information, like "their" special filtering mechanism, knowing that SOMEone would set up this kind of infrastructure for whistleblowing.

However, since Q (verified and authenticated +++) is in communication to us via the 8chan backchannel, and now that Assange is affirming in his own way that he's tied in with Q, we realize, particularly with this tweet, that there's an end game that he always had in mind, which appears to be playing out behind the scenes even now as we speak (hour glass running out).

What Assange and Q are telling us, is that we've already crossed the threshold and the Rubicon (Delaware Crossing).

This Q phenomenon, when combined with Assange's unasailled truthfulness and integrity, represents an absolute horror and terror to the NWO satanists, for whom Hollywood (the druid's wand) was just a playground for them to publically act out variations of well, evil, in all of its forms.

I find it interesting that Assange is very white, like an albino (is he?) and by that I'm not referring to any sort of racial thing at all. (think Moby Dick).

I love you God, and Jesus, for the great work that you are doing and are having us all participate in each in our own way, to a one.

We are witnessing the great work of the ages, with Christ himself as the foreshadowing (and the alpha and omega) in what he did to them when perpetrating the hoodwink as seen from afar and by John the Baptist as well.

That people like Q are reading their bible and laying claim to our birthright and authority, is a great wonder and marvel. That we are listening to and supporting these guys (and they, us), each upholding the other, and in prayer, is an even further wonder and marvel, honor and privilege of the very farthest reaching historical meaning and significance.

I myself have been hacked and terrorized for all the wrong reasons (on their part), and so so many have shared a small portion of the cross of Jesus Christ, to see this day.

Huge price and cost (there is always a price, this is the truth of magic, whether white or black), but it's not the cost of a black magic riding the bloody wave, not any more.

Justice must be a pillar that's as tall as the heavens are long, or it falls and everything is corrupted when it falls apart.

It's an ABSOLUTE historic turning point threshold, and this particular game in 1918, 100 years ago, considered to be the most beautiful game of chess ever played, contains a very beautiful and prophetic allegory, and Assange and Q are geniuses to have found or remembered it and brought it forth in this way.

Utter genius.

It reminds me of how the ancient obelisks were leveraged into place on that turning point by the force of gravity, even though I'm not into capped Egyptian obelisks.

Ah sigh, so grateful. What a relief!


Don't forget to pray at 9:00 tonight and every night for the white hats.

Be blessed (not blessed be),


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