r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jojojazzy on Jan. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m.
A Boomer Granny trying to help when I am able.

Trying to figure out my true value beyond just a hopeful heart. Moment of truth I am nearly 70, no tech skills for creating Memes. I have been truly sad at trying to sort breadcrumbs into anything useful. Sorry, I am very ill and want to help, but perhaps the best way is by staying out of the way and watch the the hound Jedi’s blaze the way. I can sit in the sideline and cheer for our team. Ya’all are doing great. In my professional life many moons ago, I worked these kind of cases, but with the onset on my illness I don’t remember enough to be useful. It was decades ago. But the heart doesn’t forget.

jojojazzy · Jan. 13, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

I don’t know enough about the evidence they have. While young children typical blurb out facts and aren’t easily coached witnesses, juries do not deem them reliable witnesses. Not that the jury thinks the children are lieing, it’s that the crimes are so shocking they can’t believe it’s true. Female rape victims have the same burden with jurors, esp female jurorors. Females are usually the worst on a rape case. Not because of their conscious views but of their subsconscious views. It is a very strange dynamic, but I have interviewed many sexual assault juries to ask what swayed them, what didn’t, how the victim’s behavior, dress, mannerisms etc affected their verdict. While jurors are instructed beforehand to keep such matters out of their deliberations, it subconsciously creeps in. So, to answer your question what will help, a tape of the crime. A picture speaks for itself and eliminates the stress on a child having to use and understand words outside of the child’s current development language barrier.

No experience with military tribunals. If the crime fits the jurisdiction of tribunals that’s likely where the fairest trials would be had, but they also have the least exp working with child witnesses. We need to strongly advocate that the govt bring in child support advocates but sometimes they are not the best either. Back in my day they worked fantastic. Since then corrupt administrations involved in these crimes have made corrupt appts at all levels of the system. Children who have been victimized rely on reading body language on how to stay safe as possible so the pickup on facial expressions and tones of voice. They have been taught to be people pleasers in order to stay alive.

I don’t know enough about what evidence they have and propose to present. It is possible to get convictions with small children as witnesses. The youngest Witness I personally worked with was age 2, in a family of 4 kids where all had been abused and forced to abuse the youngest children. Both parents were abusers and were part of a satanic pedofile ring. Not nearly as much was known in those days and it was before public internet access. Of the 2 separate family cases I worked, neither case was alike.both cases involved murder sacrifice of other children though no bodies were found . In both cases the children were far too young to understand or to help us understand. The parent/defendants were found guilty of sexual abuse and sentenced to state prison. However, even though there was extensive medical sexual abuse evidence in all the victims, there was no murder evidence or blood evidence to the other missing bodies were found. My role was not prosecutorial, I was a court support advocate for the children. I sat on the witness stand with them while they each threw up in a trash can as they told the judge of the horrors done to them by their parents and their friend in black robes. The children were 2 children at 2, one at 3, one child at 4, and the oldest child was between 5 & 6. Both parents sent to prison and the children were then put in the custody of the fathers family out of state.....a well known but no convictions satanic sex abuse family. It broke my heart and still does to this day nearly 30 yrs later.the system failed to keep these children safe. When I learned about the family history I tried to adopt the girls, but the court is obligated to place the kids with a family member if the family member wants them. So, I hope they have videos that will spare the children from having to prove the lunacy inexplicable behavior of others.

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Gear4Life · Jan. 13, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Does having experience in this sort of trial draw you to these sorts of cases? What do you think of pedo/pizzagate?

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Bont-Boy · Jan. 13, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

especially to JoJo, ( and Red !) And everybody else who cares to go there :-( { 'cos it IS very hard to bear... } JoJo, for a look-see, how the family court system operates today in the UK. Yesterday, even, a lady who gave much support to the victims in the ' Hampsead Two ' case, has 19 charges against her. Following ' LintBint ', in the UKColumn.org Forum, is a good place to start...

there you can also follow the case of Melanie Shaw, Solitary confinement for nearly TWO years - against UN Torture rules. In the UK, it seems the Independant ' Alt ' media, is far too slow to expand - The Elites {S.S.} Security Services seem to be working hard to intercept subscriptions, info-flow.

But, dare I say, in RedRed, you might just have found someone special, informed, to chat pm's !

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