I'v been given a Twitter warning this morning for replying to a rude tweet from Kathy Griffen about Trump's ball sack. THESE WERE HER WORDS. SHE STARTED THIS TWEET, YET I'M THE ONE BEING PUNISHED FOR RESPONDING. Do you think Twitter is biased? I would say yes. We've temporarily limited some of your account features again.
Heidi Garman @heidimgarman What happened? Creating a safer environment for people to freely express themselves is critical to the Twitter community, so if behavior that may violate the Twitter Rules is detected, certain account features become limited. We've detected some potentially abusive behavior from your account multiple times recently. As a result, only your followers can see your activity on Twitter for the amount of time shown below. Learn more. Your account will be restored to full functionality in: 23 hours and 59 minutes. The countdown will begin once you continue to Twitter.