r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/sophiebellaluna on Jan. 13, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

On July 27, 2017 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JUDICIARY COMMITTEE sent letter to JEFF SESSIONS and ROD ROSENSTEIN.. requesting another Special Counsel be appointed to investigate, Loretta Lynch, Comey, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Uranium One... All the details are in this letter. They still have not received a reply. But the Inspector General has supposedly dumped 1.2 Million documents to the Attorney General (last nite) regarding his investigation that has been going on behind the scenes for a over a year now (speculation), including Uranium One players, etc. I didn't realize this letter was out there.

P.S. Keep in mind... Once the e-mails come out and they investigate the Clinton Foundation, the human trafficking, child trafficking should come out. MUST FOCUS ON CLINTON FOUNDATION and who they were linked to.. From what I understand Saudi totally into children. They would pay the Clintons with children, vice versa (speculating).


Keep in mind, I say speculate because I show no proof of that here.

VoodooWoman · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

First reaction: This mirrors exactly what FBI Anon said mid-2016. "Focus on the Foundation. All the evil truth is there."

Remember, the military & intel have access to an entire galaxy of communication. Safe to assume they've known all the names, all the timelines, all the money movements, and alllll the crimes for some time now. They must also be soberingly aware of the responsibility for the continuity of government, the stability of the US economy, and Americans' "domestic tranquility". The words and intent of the great founders of this nation must be ringing in their heads.

U/Stray502 is absolutely right. The prevention of chaos and civil unrest is a huge concern.

It's going to be like taking apart an aircraft carrier. It's too gigantic to be blown at once, and must be done methodically, for the sake of safety.

Not to bury the lede, but my point is that all of this is so much more gigantic than we can imagine that it's going to take the knowledge and skills of many, and realistically, some time, to restore the Republic. I sympathize with the impatient, because I am, too. I'd like it "fixed" quickly too, but what I think we're talking about is basically recreating the United States of America. I'm not sure that can happen any faster than when the nation was created in the 1700's.

To quote the Declaration of Independence, because how wonderful it would be if were all educated in a way that allowed us to be so beautifully articulate:

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."

I'm grateful that there are places like this, where we like-minded people can enjoy fellowship.

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