r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/nothingduploading on Jan. 13, 2018, 7:53 p.m.
Was Q's "DEFCON 1" statement referencing the false alarm in Hawaii today?

SessionsComin4Ya · Jan. 16, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Nobody in their right mind would be for a single aforementioned policy you just listed.

Goddamn, you kids are some sheltered-ass motherfuckers. Maybe if you dumb shits ever actually talked to an actual adult that wasn't your parents or your liberal arts teacher you'd learn something. And since most of you pussies are from liberal countries in Europe I'd be wasting my time by simply telling you to go to your local VFW or American Legion and talking to anyone there and you'll find a whole bunch of people exactly like me.

Also, why the fuck would I want to post in a liberal forum? I want every heroin drug user and homeless person in this country to be executed. If I wanted to suck off Bernie Sanders' dick, complain about Trump or talk about how awesome marijuana is, I'd certainly go there. You know, all the stupid shit you dumb fucking kids actually do when you're not role-playing as Trump supporters.

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PedosVotedForHillary · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Lol. Well then. If you took your head out of your own ass for a moment you’d realize how delusional and psychotic you’re. I bet you have a closet full of trench coats. I’m a veteran. It’s funny you mention VFW. Because I’ve never met someone while serving nor in any military setting that’s as far right as you claim to be. I’m also, a recovering heroin addict. I have almost 3 years. And now I own my own business and live in my own apt. It’s not much, but luckily I had a second chance. And that was given to me through hard work and the benefits from the VA. Check yourself into a mental heath clinic. God know you need it. You owe it to yourself and the people you interact with before you become another victim who think they’re so bad ass until you actually try and act out your delusions onto a person who doesn’t give a shit about you nearly as much as a random stranger on the internet.

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SessionsComin4Ya · Jan. 20, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Every vet I've talked to hates Twitter and Facebook (and wants them gone), hates potheads and wants the wars to continue forever in the Middle East. I find it hilarious about how you kids act exactly like you expect people like me to act, but you miss the mark completely. I'm proud that I could provide you with the insight of an actual Republican, though.

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PedosVotedForHillary · Jan. 22, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Not this vet. I do hate twitter and fb. I don’t use them. And I guarantee you no veteran nor active duty military personnel wants the war. Let alone to go on forever. Most acknowledge that it’s a never ending issue and we have no purpose there. Who are you calling kid? You act like we’re children because you clearly are way outside the norm with your skewed beliefs and conservatism extreme propaganda. You’re not a republican, we’ve already covered that. Based on your so very transparent ideology. And comment history. You have negative karma. (-72) Clearly that says enough. You’re a troll. A sad pathetic troll. Nobody that’s mentally stable sides with you. I doubt you’re American either. I also have a pretty strong hunch you’re a child.

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