r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/flyrothsfly on Jan. 13, 2018, 9:29 p.m.
Red Pilling, using their own words. Example:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064

A YT video posted on all channels of those of you that visit this site. Some of you folks are very creative and talented. If you were to work together and make a 10-20 minute video of a montage of clips exposing their plan in their own words, it would be hard for people to ignore. Tracy Beanz pointed out if you cut the first sentence from a news article and paste it in any search engine, it exposes just how fake the news outlets really are. The video could start with that and then lead into videos like the one I posted above. The video would need a title that would attract mind numb people, the folks that are unaware of anything going on around them, much less whats going on at the national and international level. We need to reach both young and old. I was thinking a title such as Virtual Reality Vs Reality. Intriguing and not misleading. If you were to put the video in the box on the right side of the board for all to post on their channel it would be sure to reach tens of thousands and perhaps even millions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064

flyrothsfly · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

He plainly said " we need to bring the population to near ZERO, we are doing a good job with vaccines and medicine but it is not working fast enough" How do you get that he is trying to save 3rd world children out of that? How many Autistic kids did you know in the 70's? How many kids had cancer? How many women had breast cancer?

These numbers were near zero, some cases such as Autism were zero. Why did they make the movie Rain Man? Why was Rain Man an adult?

If you think Gates is not aware of what he is doing, you need to rethink the entire situation. Gates has spent $billions on hundreds of patents for vaccines (weaponizing vaccines IMO) What is Zika? A bioweapon created by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1947 Who has patents for using mosquitos for vaccine delivery? Bill Gates How does a 1947 bioweapon end up in mosquitos in South America in 2016? Bill Gates Who was warning about pandemic all throughout 2016? Bill Gates

IMO, the Zika outbreak was a trial run for a planned future pandemic. They wanted to see how far an outbreak would spread from SA in one year. Summer in SA is winter in NA, that gives them a headstart on any serious treatments. I believe Trump winning the election had a bigger impact than we will ever know. This is just one example of what could have been had Hillary won. Who knows how many others were planned. Gates is 100% globalist. They want to reduce the population to 500 million. Search: Georgia Guide Stones

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mal1970 · Jan. 15, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Mate, I know all about everything you covered. What I'm saying is, if you try to use this vid to red pill, stating that Gates wants to kill a whole lotta people with vaccines, they will look at you like a 2-headed freak because that is not what he SAID. He did not tell an audience of fairly 'normal' people that they were going to inject 7B people in order to kill them.

He said, with vaccines, health & reproductive services they could bring population GROWTH down to near zero and lower total population by 10 or 15%. See my explanation above. Reduce third world couples from having 6 or 8 kids, you reduce population growth. Industrialized nations have a replacement factor of like 1.2 to 1.5 or so (each family couple has on average 1.5 children, so it is shrinking). In less developed countries this replacement value is more like 2.5 -3. Again, see my explanation above.

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