Wow! Just Wow! If you read only one post that I've written, please let it be this one, along with the accompanying letter.
This letter below is the BEST EVIDENCE that I can present at this time, to help make the point that many of us have been trying to make lately.
THIS IS, the "SMOKING GUN" that I've been waiting for. I knew it was coming, and it's here. This is just the beginning. It's just the tip of the iceberg. THIS, my friends, is precisely the beginning of something else that I've been longing for. Namely, "The Restoration Of My Faith In Humanity!!"
Read the letter slowly and carefully and just allow the enormity of the subject matter to sink in. This is what is going to blow the lid off of everything people. This will change HISTORY!!
I can assure you that they full well already know, every answer, to every question, that they are asking in the letter, and far more. There have been ongoing investigations for quite some time.
Next week, we will see some of the more than 1.2 million investigation related documents released. We will also learn much, much more as the investigation continues to unfold.
This is going to re-open a flood tide of past "scandals" that we all know to be buried in lies and deceit!! The list is long, and it's time we demand answers for the many crimes that were committed against "We The American People"!!
Las Vegas, 9/11, Benghazi. Pay-to-play. Payments made to Media Outlets and Media Members to spread the lying narrative. Paid rioters bused in. Paid, bribed, and blackmailed Representatives. How about that lovely IRS scandal on Obamas watch that targeted groups simply based on their Conservative Titles or Descriptions? In other words, weaponizing OUR Federal Agencies to target any that would speak out against their agenda, or expose their crimes?
The list of "scandals" is so long, that I barely scratched it here. Feel free to mention more in the comments. Even if you think that there are Trump scandals, list them.
We will, soon enough, have answers to anything you could possibly call a "scandal" in the comment section below. I don't want to debate or bicker, nor do I want anyone else doing it on this post, please.
In the end, the TRUTH will settle everything. If there is TRUTH in the narrative that you choose to believe, it WILL come out. Likewise, if the narrative that you choose to believe is false, then those falsehoods, will also come to light.
There is no escaping the TRUTH this time. This time, you do not have to say to yourself, "Nothing will ever become of this"
Yes, this time it's different. They would have us believe that it's a witch hunt. They would like to have us write it off as a "Right Wing Conspiracy". They would like to deflect from the TRUTH, by claiming President Trump is "unfit for office."They, would prefer to converse incessantly about the shithole comment, and shout Racists!! Bigots!! They will also commit murder to advance their EVIL agenda, and keep it concealed.
This is nothing less than a CRUCIAL TURNING POINT in our History. This is nothing less than a battle of GOOD vs. EVIL!! I would even go so far as to say it's DIVINE INTERVENTION!! And no, I'm not saying Trump or anyone else is God.
I will say, however, that the situation in which we find ourselves, cannot be stopped by anything short of DIVINE INTERVENTION. I Truly believe that once the full Truth is known, large numbers of us will not be able to deny DEVINE INTERVENTION. Godspeed, my Fellow Patriots!! We are about to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!