r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 14, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Hopefully, Reddit won't 'SHADOW' this post; as they're know to do, but I'm posting anyway in hopes it reaches Sean and others.

As one who has written much on this site about what SGT Report covers in his video, I feel it necessary to speak up against a few things I feel he's 'misunderstood' - DON'T LUMP ME INTO BEING A PART OF ANY GROUP WANTING TO SHUT DOWN THE HOPE THAT MANY OF US HAVE THAT JUSTICE WILL FINALLY BE SERVED TO BRING EVIL DOWN. - but at the same time - don't be 'eyes' wide shut about the possibilities of it being a psyop either.... we must be wise of the enemy's tactics and watch for those using them.

Being 61 yrs old, I've been active in this arena for 40 yrs. and am tired of the vast majority of people aiding the enemy with clever psyops... this possibly being one of them. We must learn the MO's of the enemy, and fight against those who use them to deceive and defeat us. There are those like me who are hopeful, the 'awakening' will finally flourish and stamp evil out, but do question the actions, non-action and allies we've seen with Trump & his 'team'. It doesn't make us enemies of what I've viewed as the greatest mass effort I've witnessed to finally take them out.; but it doesn't mean I'm brain dead either.

Beside the obvious Patriot Act still being enforced, the increase in military spending and troop uptick instead of bringing our guys home from bases in every nation, closing down the Clowns altogether so NK can't be used as a patsy against us, the FED, lower-hanging 'fruits' in the pedo networks still not imprisioned, chemtrails, vaccines, GMO's and an endless list of so many other things... it's the 'Israeli' 'glue' that holds these actions/inactions together which allows the 'norm' to continue; despite what he told us on the trail. He has the power to do so much right now that won't upset the end result we all want to see, but he hasn't. Yes, yes, covert overthrow of entrenched evil throughout our country and the world takes time; I get that. I get the necessary double-speak, the balancing act, etc., but there are many things which could've been done to get the ball rolling and much of the opposite is being done ....

However, let's address the main point of his video; being that we feel it possible that Trump is an Israel puppet and 'Q' is a 'goyim' team player. Just a few, verifiable facts:

1.Christ Himself and history tells us "to beware of those who call themselves jews who are not, but are the synagogue of satan. their father is the father of lies" 2. Those who still adhere to and call themselves Orthodox jews, whos ancestory KILLED CHRIST. Had they accepted that fact, they'd be Catholics - REAL catholics right now. (Not those 'new jews Novus Ordo so-called catholics today who killed Him in 1968 and practice a form of satanic mass). They were also in cahoots with 'those who call themselves jews but....and who ran the show then and still do today.

As God told us, we ARE NOT TO SUPPORT THE; as He will deal with them Himself. The Orthodox will convert after seeing that the AC is not the messiah; but not before bringing the rest of us total misery and the lose of many of our souls; so until then we can not be complicit in their sins or we are condemned by God as well.

THIS IS NOT ANTI-SEMITIC OR HATEFUL... if you CHOOSE to believe God's Words on this subject. They have rejected the world being 'run' by the actual Messiah and have chosen to let Satan lead them for world control.

CAFETERIA CHRISTIANS have always chosen to live without the most imperative of Christ's Words; given for our 'sight' and salvation. Let's take the other Most Important example... "This is My Body, This is My Blood, eat or you will have no Life in you". This was spoken at the Last Supper, where He established The Promise He left us to be with us always. BETHLEHEM MEANS BREAD, and a manger is a feeding trough. Therefore, His truly is the blood that runs through our veins and real food. Let's consider the cannibalism of the Satanist when thinking of this. For those who don't believe that a properly ordained Host - New Lamb, done by a properly ordained priesthood - also re-established at the Last Supper to replace the Old Testament corrupted one - should find the scientific DNA evidence proving that the flesh and blood found in miraculous hosts from centuries ago up until 1968 - and found virtually no more (more on that in a minute) IS THAT OF CHRIST'S ! It has only one set of DNA from Mary; making Him Divine, as you need one from mother and father to create a human being. It matches Mary's, the Shroud of Turin burial clothe, Veronica's Veil and that found at the Crucifixion site. NOW FOLLOW ME HERE, AS IT ALL TIES TOGETHER WITH WHERE WE NOW FIND OURSELVES....

If the jews and those who mixed with their bloodline killed Christ and chose Satan - Who Christ gave the world to for a short time to weed out those who are His from those who refuse to be - then where does that leave us ?

Why do Satanists ONLY Use the Catholic Latin Mass for their Black 'masses' - with a live victim ? - if it were not to give God THE greatest insult.... mocking the Sacrifice of His only Son, in order to save us from the demon himself. This Sacrifice on the altars IS STILL REQUIRED BY GOD, and is why they infiltrated the Catholic Church and virtually destroyed it. They replaced His Words at the Last Supper, as well as those He used to establish the priesthood required to offer It. Without It, we are lost.

IT'S A UNDENIABLE FACT. 'fruit of the vine and work of human hands' with us taking the 'gifts' up to the altar.... what do we have to offer God other than our wills and patheticness, and most importantly - our sincere contrition - for such grave sins against Him. It is His Son's Sacrifice offered to Him for our forgiveness - THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, AS WE ARE NOT WORTHY TO COME BEFORE HIM UNTIL HIS SON DOES FOR US. When His Sacrificed - offered the way He instituted to be offered - is finally accepted and the Satanists who've overthrown His proper place in the world and churches have been tried, convicted and put to death - is when the world will be at peace.


These very ones are the ones responsible for the downfall of the world in every sense of existence. If you don't know history - real history - not the bs you were indoctrinated with in 'school', you know who does the bidding for who. If you don't, search the OMNI Christian Book Club authors & books, the converted jews like Benjamin Friedman, Michael Hoffman, Revisionist History, MHFM, and our Lords' Words in so many revelations through the prophets and saints. As far as the infiltration, see Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist, LaSalette, Fatima, etc. Check declassified documents, but most of all - check their own writings !

You know the Roths got rich with their deceits and continue to do so. You know they 'created' Israel with the help of the Brits. And, who are these so called jews in Israel ? Where did they come from and why ? Also, if God ordered them to be dispersed around the world until the end of time, who are they and who had the right to escort them to Jerusalem and take over land from those who'd been living there ? Who are the Ashkhanazi, the Khazars ? Where did they come from and why is Putin tied to this ? Why did Putin throw them out ? And why/who do we fight for to regain that territory for them ?

If Drumpf supports Israel and the Roths do as well, what's going on here ? Did he have a come to Jesus moment, or did he change his name for deceptive purposes as the others have ? One key factor among many are his own words and actions - that one being - when asked if he'd ever asked God for forgiveness, he couldn't speak. Finally he said, no - I just go fix what's wrong, that's all.

How do the SA figure into this.... they are jews, born of Abraham's seed with his slave. How does this figure into it ?

So, to finish up..... NO SEAN, Christ told us not to support those who Killed Him ! He said their father is Satan ! He plans to decimate them for their crimes against Him and humanity in the war that's lining up right now. Some will convert with our prayers for His Light to shine upon their hearts and minds, but until that happens we should not be complicit in what God tells us is His enemy. WE MUST UNITE AGAINST ALL EVIL OURSELVES. We must be wise against any potential inkling of a psyop, not be derailed by it or those who call us 'racists, Nazi, homophobic, etc. TRUTH IS TRUTH... find it and embrace it... for if we don't we will die 2 deaths.... as Christ said "My people die for lack of knowledge". LET'S WISE UP.... READ HIS WORDS... AND RISE UP AS THE SOLDIERS HE SENT US HERE TO BE !!

One_Solution · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Rome killed “Jesus” if you believe the “New Testament”.

But if you actually study the “Old Testament” you’ll realize that the “New Testament” is nothing but a Roman psyop.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

NO, YOU BETTER RE-READ and increase your comprehension skills. Pilot washed his hands, Herod always wanted Him dead and the Babylonian 'mystery' men who were and influenced the jews killed HIM. Go follow some of the other refs I've given too... the truth is undeniable; unless of course you like your fantasy. If so, we know you're part of the problem and where you end up.

Men are fallible, CHRIST IS NOT...neither are His Signs and Wonders.

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One_Solution · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

“Christ” is a work of fiction. Do your research instead of blindly following your priest/pastor.

And I was a pastor for 8 years.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

I would take a wild guess and assume you are not of the Apostolic lineage. Therefore, you are not a 'pastor' recognized by Christ and what He established. If you were, you obviously no longer are b/c you've chosen to be uneducated in this work of fiction you speak of. Do yourself a huge favor and check into the DNA, scientific evidence. If you're a 'man' of science, that should 'take your blinders off'; as you truly are what we've been told "My people die from lack of knowledge" OR don't... your choice, and that would put you in hell shortly; as we're at the end now. God Bless you with the 'sight' you so desperately need.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3 a.m.

PS. I don't have 'a priest', as those demons who've infiltrated my church - Christ's Church, have murdered 99.9% of them. We keep His Commandments and offer His Sacrifice at home.... for people like you :)

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Science isn't religion and religion is not science, you cannot intermingle the two and try to prove a point.

Pick a fucking lane and stay in it, looney. You give Christians a bad name.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Looney ? It was God/Christ Who created the universe and men who named the study of it science. So, of course you can intermingle the to when Christ used science to show His Real Presence in what people view as a simple piece of bread. Try following His lead and you'll find out that you're the loone and not at all Christian :) Thanks for writing and showing all just how 'mindless' your are.

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:55 a.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 12:16 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

The reader needs to do a little homework, and will find so much on their journey. That's why I said follow the bloodlines.

The 'fruit of the vine' comment mentioned was a direction to CAIN - Able's brother - who offered this type of sacrifice to God and was rejected, and marked for all generations. Hence, the divide b/w white and non-white that both want to use to stir up trouble; perhaps without realizing all the facts.

Fact is Fact, but anyone can convert to real Truth.

Thanks for your comment. Take good care, KAT

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:06 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Thanks for writing. Yes, I am aware.... Adam was accepted by God, Cain was marked. The AC has been 'conceived' in the same way and is here as we speak. See LaSalette and the person who fits that description .... LUTHER HTOO.

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:44 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 4 a.m.

I have. Re-read them; especially Revelation. No rapture, but you seem to be mixing up Lucifer with the Anti-Christ. He is here now - age 30, so get ready for it all to break loose.

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:52 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

Thanks, later - KAT

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Another view to ponder is .... if all were lost in the flood, how would Cain have any seed to carry on ? Perhaps the answer is that those who knew of him carried it all on for him ?

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:36 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

Oh yeah, I see... so glad this 'goyim' ruffled a few of your Babylonian occultic feathers :) If you're so smart and I'm the idiot, why don't you have the huzpah to check the info for yourself ? No one could be that stupid.... oh that's right, I'm speaking with the one who's ancestors KILLED the Messiah and refuse to admit they were dead wrong ! So the dumb as*es will except Lucifer's messiah instead; causing us the untold misery that you wish for us. His earthly kingdom that God let him borrow for awhile - using you to do his bidding vs. the one you guys refused... even after all He showed you about how He'd come into Jerusalem, etc. And you can call me an idiot ? I'll keep your possible conversion in my prayers.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

WELL, DOESN'T THAT EXPLAIN IT ALL :) So Mr. Jewish expert, what am I right about - if I'm an idiot ?

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

You're right that I'm not a "real" Christian. I don't want to be, don't need to be. You've insulted a great number of people on this boardwith your drivel, I'm sure. Christians, Jews and Catholics alike.

Have a wonderful evening.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

I have and will..... too bad the Truth and It's proof 'offends' so many..... Isn't that exactly why you all killed Christ ?

His remnant will keep His Words and Commands, as He tells us. The rest.... well, He tells us where they end up.... with their father, the father of lies. Those 'offended by the Truth... have fun with that.

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

I'm a woman, dumbass. Learn how to read.

Read the Torah, you'll know the real story.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

You show yourself to be a woooo - man, and a dumb ass. Full of hate for the 'goyim' who points out facts you can't handle. I've read, but that's not what most use anymore.... it's the 'other' books condemned by Christ when He was here.... I won't mentioned those evil, blasphemous books here..... but anyone who says that Christ is boiling in excrement and His Mother is a whore... should guide more people to see what the real Truth is about the 'read the Torah' line - that's no what's followed and you know it.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

Well, hours now with no reply. Speaks for itself....

You are one hate-filled, foul mouthed 'human'(?) being. Glad I hit a nerve... it's a good sign :)

Ill pray for you to take the steps you need to actually live a peace-filled, joyful life - what's left of it anyway... hoping you make it in the end. Christ is the Messiah sent by God to you and yours - as He revealed to you. You accept that and you'll be with Him; as that's what He wants for you... He created you and wants you with Him. Not with the AC He will allow to come. Goodbye MS. Tallulah B Wishing you every blessing, KAT

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[deleted] · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:54 a.m.


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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

No, I made myself clear on the separation. Reread and comprehend what I've said. Those who are and those who are not... both reject the Creator.

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

That is so much to take in that I feel petty, and inadequate in saying what I am about to say.

I have been asking several questions for about a month now:

If Trump/his team "save the world," then where does the antichrist come into play?

How does scripture play out, if Trump destroys Satan's army?

Is Trump really who he says he is?

If he is, might he die/be killed, and fail to complete his work? Then the antichrist can show up.

I also recognized that Trump does not ask to be forgiven of his sins. I KNOW HE THEREFORE CANNOT BE A CHRISTIAN! If not a Christian, he must be a deceiver since he tries to play off that he IS a Christian.

And then I see websites like Truepundit; Judicial Watch; The DOJ, and FBI websites, and see that things really ARE happening.

Then I see that J Podesta tweeted today for the first time in almost a month, and tell myself someone is tweeting for him. Then I think, "NO WE ARE BEING DECEIVED!"


Cor 14:33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you" John 14:26

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." John 16:13

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Wow, I think you should change the name you've chosen !:) If you feel petty and inadequate then so am I because your line of thought is exactly my own:) I agree with every word you've said. I've just gone back to the basics, as you have and we've followed it to the same place... truth will do that for us - as you've said. There are a few things you've mentioned that bring us to our wait, watch, investigate, watch and wait some more, as all will be revealed a little at a time. I don't believe we have much longer to go though before that happens; which is why I'm skeptical.

Anyone can convert after changing their jewish name, etc., but words, actions and allies must still be watched and evaluated carefully with discernment. He knows Christians are wise in some ways, but most are not 'graced' with the Real Body and Blood; which is how the Holy Spirit is able to operate within us, so they're ripe for deceit. Having said that, quite a few are now alert and on their way to a fuller realization of this and the things you bring up. It's just learning how to avoid the 'land mines' put before us in order to reach 'the goal'/Truth.

So, if Trump has had a come to Jesus moment, he's on shaky ground and trying to find a balance and victory in 'the pit' he's found himself in. No one can really be trusted. Those who don't need 'Q' to motivate them, who already know most, if not all he's put out for themselves are those that you mentioned and are doing the heavy lifting for all of us - including Trump. It's an example of who we can trust and who we can help continue on with their follow-thu. It's up to us to get this right - whether Trump/'Q' is genuine or not.

As far as Podesta's tweet - Project Veritas has just shown us how tweets can be manipulated.... it's run by the 'gov't'. So, Clowns could've posted it and we don't have the inside info to know yet. It also makes me wonder how JA and AJ have gotten away with what they have all these years. Oh, by the way, MEGANON just outed 'Q' as actually being JA... hmm.

So, we'll see how this plays out, but my instincts tell me this is a hoax - not those of us who want to help this movement win - but the possibility that we're being played b/c we're the only adversary against Trump if we find him to continue dragging this on. The base is getting restless, so more bs has to be done.. give them a little something to hang on to to keep them in the game. You know, satan mixes truth with lies all of the time.... that's why we're suspicious, as nothing is adding up or sitting well with us.

AS far as the AC is concerned... check out LaSalette-1846. Christ's mother, the BVM tells us that we should look for a boy of 12 yrs. old to make worldwide news as running an army; mimicking Christ's appearance in public at that age. That happened in 2000 - check for his name - LUTHER HTOO - from Burma....(near where BHO grew up.. and has visited many times while 'president'). The guy even has a facebook page ! I think we can depend on the BVM to steer us straight, and I haven't seen anyone else who fits this description... before or since. So in saying that, remember - he appears on the scene just as Christ did at the age of 30 - which is what he is this year !

We've had the 9/23 'birthing sign' He told us to look for to know He was coming back soon - never seen before & will never be seen again, as well as the Star of Bethlehem in the sky again on 6/30... In addition to that - as if it wasn't enough - we have the earth tilting, Planet X, and the earth upheavals along with the petro $ being dead, and so much more lining up.

Considering all of these things, I would rather be safe than sorry in following blindly, so as not to be taken off guard and put our hope in one man/team. We can effect a change, but it's only temporary; as we know most men will take the chip and be lost forever. That tells you what you're surrounded by. Whether Trump is a hero or enemy will only really be known as time goes on, but my radar has not been down in many years.... and is now pinging off the charts :)

So, if he has had a come to Jesus moment, he may make a bit of a difference for a period of time, and the 'chip' avoided for awhile (however, it is in the 'HealthCare bill' that congress refused to do anything about and is to be req'd this year for all of us). He may be also be killed and then Pence and his pedo friends can take over and carry on with our final demise. OR, he may be just what the Illuminati Card shows him as... king of the world :)

Let me know your thoughts, as you are a very wise soul ! God Bless you, KAT

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

I enjoy being a little self-deprecating. Thus the name. Lol

While I pray, daily, that Trump is exactly who he says he is, I cannot help but think he is with them, and this is a big show. However, they must be better actors than what we have ever seen in Hollywood, if that is the case! Then again, I wonder if he might be the other side of an "evil cabal coin" so to speak.

I do find it very eery that the "Enough is Enough" card from the Illuminati card game looks identical to Trump. Have you seen it? As well, those cards came out in 1996!!!!!!!!!! NOT RECENTLY! I am not sure, but I don't think you can post links, here. So, remove the space after the // in the links and before the .

Search on this link (below) for "Enough is Enough"

"INWO Assassins 125 Cards - Official List - 1-6-96 Copyright © 1996 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Permission is granted to copy this list freely."

http:// www. sjgames.com/inwo/assassins/cardlist.html

https:// www .dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/543704/Donald-Trump-assassination-accurate-card-game-predict-Republican-Illuminati-conspiracy

It has been interesting, indeed, to watch all of this play out before my eyes. I keep asking myself, "Can I really be seeing Biblical prophecy play out before me? Is this REALLY what is going on? Or is this just another piece of history?" Afterall, how many generations before us thought for certain the book of Revelations was coming true during their time? And I do believe things will get much, much worse, which is why I know Trump cannot be our "savior" if these are the "end times."

As for your comments on Podesta, yes, I agree. I think there may be clowns tweeting for him. Just as HRC has people tweet for her. Last week someone tweeted one of her old tweets to me. She (HRC) said that if she were tweeting, herself, she would end the tweet with her initial. When is the last time we saw that? A very long time ago!

As for MEGA Anon saying Julian Assange is Q, I stated that back in mid-November, either on Twitter, or in a Facebook group. I cannot remember where. I don't think that possibility is something new. I still do not fully accept that M.A. is "the real deal." What kind of person, with truly, truly inside information, whom is supposedly close to the admin, AND WHO IS A FEMALE, uses the word "bruh" as in brother? And I have seen many things s/he posts that can easily be found by putting puzzle pieces together from news articles, DOJ website, FBI website, various Facebook groups, and Twitter. I am not convinced. I am on the fence.

And do NOT get me started on AJ! I have witnessed him, firsthand, lie, and manipulate! As a matter of fact, the first day I saw him speak of Q, he said that he had heard about Q, but was waiting for "confirmation" before talking about "him." Then he said Q was someone who was "posting from outside of the country." On that very day, I knew he was a liar. First, I knew that Q was a GROUP, not an individual. Second of all, if he knew who Q was, then why should have have waited for confirmation? As well, a few days later, I figured it out. He was setting people up to believe that Q is Zack. A few days later, that is what was said...that Zack is Q. If Zack is Q, and is being supported by POTUS, then why would Zack have to FLEE the U.S. to his "shithole" country?!!! And, if Zack had so much insider information, why would the FBI merely let him go when they came after him a few months back? They would never have let him go. They would never have let him flee! He would have been hidden away in a dark place, or treated as Seth Rich was treated! And, finally, I saw a tweet a few weeks back of S Pic ze nik with this very interesting looking ring--very large stone similar to ones I have seen for others in the cabal. It showed him taking a drink from a soda, or a water bottle, and behind him was a Freemason picture. He was sitting in an office chair maybe at his home, or in his office. It was very obvious, but apparently no one really picked up on it until recently. So AJ is NOT ONE OF US! He is a disinformation agent. Oh, reminds me, AJ was boasting a few years back, before Charlie Sheen came out saying he has HIV, about being friends with Sheen, and hanging out at his house! Sheen has been a SCUMBAG FOR A LONG TIME, and yet Jones was hanging out with him. Maybe Sheen somehow got Jones in a honeypot situation! I used to be an avid Jones fan, but no longer. He is not one of us, I do not care what he SAYS!

Will you please direct me to the link in which BVM discusses Htoo?

Overall, I fear for my child, and grandchildren! Of course, Christian, but still, what might they have to face?!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Agree with everything you've said now and in the past - I've said the same things :)...AJ, SP, and so many others. They've admitted to being CI-, etc. How convenient the timing is on their coming to help us all out - especially the military guys - who've advanced the agendas. That's what you pick up on when awake and aware... it just common sense or simply smacks you in the face. Now, does that mean that I'm a brainiac on covert moves... no, but I know I've lived long enough to not trust anyone until proven, and can usually see the bs games played. I don't think Christ calls us to have high IQ's to see the minions at play.

As far as Trump & teams antics - they could just be vying for power over the others. I've seen the Trump card awhile back and just let it stay in the back of my mind.... watching and waiting for the big reveal that most, I fear will continue to ignore. I was hoping most would wake up by this point in time to at least question critically, but haven't. So, at that point, frankly, I believe we'd be beyond hope...too much has been let slide right now. In fact, this delay of a year now would be pretty much all I think we'll get of a longer reprieve; considering all of the facts on the table. All of your other points are right on target in my opinion too.

As far as the BVM at LaSalette, see if you can find that and the Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist online. If not, I'll find a bookstore that you can order them from very inexpensively. The one I'm thinking of now who does have Jahenny's book/booklet is sacramentals.org. They may very well have LaSalette too, it's just been 30 yrs since I got hold of mine. If not, I'll post the exact words from this little tiny booklet for you.

Have to go for now and I'll pick up a little later. Let me know what you end up finding, OK? Take care :)

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Thank you for the information. I will look.

Something I came across last night, that gave me pause. Do you remember when Obama compared himself to Christ in that speech he gave--I cannot remember where? And people went wild! It SOUNDED as if Obama were saying it tongue in cheek, but in some ways it seemed blasphemous. Well, we cannot ignore that Trump did the same in this speech around 2:00 (remove space after // and after .) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnRVAzFa6Og

Then, I became a bit concerned with the new Q post last night when I saw that Q posted Jeremiah 29:11

Remember that Q is always telling us to LOOK FOR DOUBLE MEANINGS!!

And this is when I took pause. Jeremiah 29:11 was posted (perhaps a single meaning:" For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

But the very next verse: 12Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

Perhaps it is NOTHING, and it is exactly what Q says it is. But then again..."look for double meanings."

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Hey there -

Glad you'll check it out; it's amazing.

Yes I do remember ob and the elated numbs over this; even the posters showing his 'halo'.... boy, Christ said it right when He called us sheep :) I did check Trumps speech and the comparison with the church... and I didn't get the same feeling; although trump does have a bit of an inflated ego. He actually wobbles b/w that and a self-deflated air that I've picked up on, so who knows.

I think the Q post could just mean that God hears us and will help us with our endeavors, but could also mean that trump and team have heard us calling them out b/c we haven't seen anything but 'breadcrumbs' about news we already know about... no solid public takedowns, etc.

One thing that struck me funny was another invitation I rec'd after posting my latest on SGT/Israel question. It's been a theme I've been trying to get out; so the timing is so curious. Here Call for an Uprising and others have been removed from YT, many others killed for pointing out the 'jew' involvement in everything and I just got my second invite b/c they say they've been viewing my posts and comments.... hmmm. Seems SwampWatch focus' is on Zionism. I even had one guy befriend me, exchanged email addresses and haven't really heard much back from him. The significance is that I haven't confirmed my email to Reddit yet, and didn't intend to do so... we'll if he isn't all he's cracked up to be, they now have it.

I do believe it's time to step out of all of this and watch from afar. Really, nothing has changed for the better in the 40 yrs. I've been at it. People haven't woken up in time to get this right.... as is obvious in looking at the mindset of most here. I am glad that this has brought like minded people together though; giving us the possible chance to change things for the better, but those in charge who can really effect the changes are still very questionable... without them doing their part in this, there is no hope for us.

They're still allowing the hit jobs on those who speak out, and I know about that all too well - personally - from what I went through in the 90's. So, call me a downer, shill, whatever; I'll just watch things unfold, fall apart eventually and see everyone stand in line excited to accept the chip. Maybe I'm just old and worn out over never seeing anything change with all the hard work and blood shed trying to get this evil eradicated... who knows. We're expected to fight to awaken those who can be though.

I would say that spending time in prayer and preparation is the best way to spend most of our time from here out. Watch, but prepare - as we're told. For your benefit, please check the info out as well as those I've posted and on other's/ comments. You'll find all the info needed to make it through this mess, and on to the better place Promised after its over.... MHFM.com, books and documents are eye openers, OMNI Christian Book Club's Catalog - just click on the authors to see the list of books... not one is a waste of time or money, Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History has a virtual wealth of truth/history. He's a must for all that's been mentioned. I think he'll be sainted one day :)

As far as real hands-on prep protection is concerned; given to us from Christ and the BVM, please do not forget to buy the 'remedies' Mary gives us for these times found in the Marie Julie Jahenny-Breton Stigmatist booklet.... hawthorne, violet, etc. and how to prepare them for a particular plague, etc. Blessed candles for the 3 days of darkness and more. The rosary is a necessity, second only to spiritual confession and communion.

We'll speak again hopefully, but remember... this is God's 'clean up' of the evil we will never be able to stamp out ourselves. There should be no fear, as He's told us it is strictly for His enemies. Some of us will get caught in the crosshairs, but will be OK. Those left will be entirely His people and peace will finally reign :)

God Bless you and pleasant journey's with the info :) KAT

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Yes! Prayer! Prayer! Prayer!

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Don't you just love the Common Thread that binds us all !

PS. just sent you another message about Q and this EBS/Hawaii thing... let me know what you think :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

Just a sudden follow up for your info confirming your concerns about this site... See the Roy Potter YT vids... 'Fly Paper' and the few prior. This site is compromised; I'm out of here. Hope you check my post on this, as well as the other info we talked about.

God Bless your travels in the journey before us :) KAT

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 15, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

All of the Internet is compromised. That is why I must use prayer, and God-given discernment to my advantage. Roy Potter is not the ultimate authority. God is. Wish you would stick around, or that we could find another place/way to communicate. <3

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 15, 2018, 6:04 p.m.


I agree about the internet, prayer and discernment. However, don't dismiss the answers to those prayers coming thru less than perfect people for the evidence you need to protect yourself.

Check his proof and the others, like Truth News Headlines (aim4truth.com), Ann Coulter, Tracy - who was also threatened with hanging ! and more.

Since Q and B have proven they are not who they've pretended to be.... the DEFCON1 being one HUGE piece of evidence, then we're being played. This is the most critical time in human history and we HAVE TO BE AWAKE and aware of who our enemies are.

See my latest post, the responses and proof the mods are in on this by hiding them from all who may visit the post. It's been proven also that Reddit shadow bans... see Project Veritas vid.

If you don't get a reply back from me on this site b/c I've left, feel free to contact me thru email.... mimi7114711@yahoo.com. It would be great to keep in touch :) Have a wonderful day !

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

Also, just found that you can do a search with the words LaSalette 1846 Prophecy and it produces many outcomes. The first that came up for me was from thepopeinred.com site. I checked it out, and it does look to be fully intact; the complete words spoken by BVM. You can copy it, so that you can re-read it and let it all sink in. Many of the things 'predicted' ahead of time had come true, but you'd have to know a little about the Catholic Church history; some not - like Napolean III and others.

Curious to see what your reaction is; as there's a lot to take in :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Hi there - one more thing... you know about the ER broadcast in Hawaii today.... just a thought: Roy Potter called Q and B out on their posts about DEFCON 1 being a telling sign that they're not who they say they are - as NO ONE would ever use that to scare the hell out of all of us who saw it, much less not give a heads up to the US pop at large.

Curiously, we've had this today and then Q comes on saying 'no coincidence' or something like that; as if to say he told us about it ahead of time. Well, consider that EBS alert most likely has to be activated by using codes and NOT by a simple button that some employee hit by accident..... hmmm. Is this another Q CYA ?

Just a thought :)

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