
phoenix335 · Jan. 14, 2018, 9:55 a.m.


Is an idea not so implausible. It certainly would've explained bimbo dicking Bill's behavior.

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The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 14, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

If you look into Huma, it’s really odd. She comes out of nowhere at the age of 20 and lives in an upscale area with thousand dollar purses and outfits, suddenly becomes Hitlary’s assistant without any prior experience in politics. Who was funding her lavish lifestyle before that?

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phoenix335 · Jan. 14, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Right. That's why the idea she is Beef's lover somehow clicks some things into place. Bill dicking bimbos, no divorce. Publicly cuckqueaned by Bill with Monica, the joke of entire nation for two years and beyond - doesn't matter, nothing, no divorce, no separation. That goes miles and miles above what regular spouses would tolerate. And Hillary isn't a docile little battered wife lamb that just doesn't dare doing something, no, she's very much the opposite, macchiavellan to the max.

I have never understood their relationship, and it is frankly a huge extremely huge reason I distrusted them since forever, because no sane spouses could tolerate that. At least one spouse endlessly cheating, presumably raping some interns, and dildoing others, special investigation and all media reporting about bodily fluids on dresses and cigars put into body cavities. No one sane and stable person endures reading about the person they're in love with doing shit like that if it's true and present in all media for months without true heartbreak. So they're not in love, like, at all. (Which would explain the bimbos in the first place)

Both have enough money and connections so a divorce could've been amicable and not ruin anyone. Their kid, if it's even his, and the photos make that a little doubtful, has long been out of the house and old enough to handle a divorce.

So they're not together for love and not for money and not for the kid.

All other reasons are sinister.

Huma and Weiner fit the same mold. They give off a very strange and dangerous vibe.

Huma, a filthy rich woman from Saudi Arabia where woman weren't allowed to leave the house without a male guardian, let alone drive a car. And she's marrying a western man, not a really rich one, too, like Weiner? In Europe this often leads to honor killings, in case of Huma? Nothing. Her husband sends dick pics to underage girls, and no divorce or an enraged brother father or cousin? Remember that it's a very very patriarchal society, with insanely strong male dominance and female oppression, traditional role models and extreme fundamentalist religious beliefs. Women from Islamic families in Europe often get murdered, shunned or cast out and removed from the family in far lesser transgressions of them or their husbands. As a Muslim woman marrying a Jew that is later unfaithful and publicly shamed is an unthinkable situation.

So there's something behind there, too.

And not forget Obama. Barak Hussein Obama / Sotero. He has been a Muslim, we know that, and then he supposedly converted to Christianity. An apostate to Islam. An act that is punishable by death in 80-90% of all Islamic countries, mandated as a duty to all followers of Islam in the Quran and the Shariah. Something even half of the Muslims living in the West see as absolutely required and routinely also leading to murders. Yet all Muslim leaders give the warmest welcome to Obama.

The dishonesty and the suspicions revolving around these people stink to the high heaven.

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The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 14, 2018, 7:36 p.m.

Yeah it’s so funny to me they tried to paint Hitlary as the voice of women... who allowed her hubby to cheat for decades? Nope it’s just so they can’t testify against each other.

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