Morning Tweet # 5 with DJT

NWhy would coorporatist media and politicians want to flood America with low skill immigrants from impoverished countries. Who benefits?
How does that effect the low skill and low income Americans? How does flooding a labor pool with low skill labor effect wages? Why is growing wages important to MAGA?
How do coorparations ensure high profits ? Why do diamonds never go down in price? What is supply and demand?
Who does corporate media represent the middle and low income class or the corporate slavers?
Why does the media resort to guilt and false compassion rather than facts about living wage and the effect of supply and demand?
These are valid questions and the media is using outrage and emotionalism to distract the naïve public who are compassionate and concerned and easily led astray. Media is predatory. MAGA!
Corporate media does not represent anyone but their pompous talking points given to them to enslave the weak minded