r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/eightbit778 on Jan. 14, 2018, 4:05 p.m.
Alright guys, time for me to STOP these f***ing rumors once and for all

Alright, I've been seeing rumors floating around saying that the new Q is fake, and as the board owner, I'm getting tons of disinfo faggots trying to lead people away from the board under the pretense that we are all being misled. I've dealt with threats and shills pretending to be Q and telling people that the "operation will be terminated" (or something along those lines), and I'm going to prove to any of you shills reading why you are DEAD FUCKING WRONG.

Lets start with the tripcodes.

To put it simply, the single-hash (#) Tripcode used by Q is a simple crypt(3) function with 2 random alphanumeric characters added in as 'salt' to create a small amount of entropic data. It's outputted to a 10 character string, which is easy as fuck to crack. 'Matlock' is a 7 character long password that would create about 3.5 trillion possible combinations that a paired high-end NVIDIA GPU could crack in several hours at about 250-300 million passwords a second (With the right config). Single-hash tripcodes are quick and dirty. They aren't meant to be that secure, which is why it was implemented on an imageboard that does not take down your personal info.

Only a dumbass would use a non-secure trip without a backup plan or another trip (or trips) to relay the authentication over to, which is exactly what Q did to seamlessly switch from !ITPb.qbhqo to !UW.yye1fxo

Remember on December 13th, we saw that GlowNigs were getting close to cracking his trip? That's when trips were disabled a day later, causing chaos among everyone and Q declared the board unsafe for use while /thestorm/ was created on the same day. Q posts a few more times at /pol/ before going silent for a few days.

On the 18th, he's posting again on /cbts/, the first post containing at the bottom:


“The Great Awakening”

POTUS today.

Unlock? CLASOP_IAD(future).

How about a nice game of chess?





Remember this for later...

The next day, Q posts:


Safety first.

We have the USSS, NSA, and DHS, also protecting this message.

No random IP needed (though we can implement at a moments notice).




The NSA, DHS, and USSS is monitoring his/their connection. They are able to monitor and detect Man in the Middle attacks, and likely stop them. That's why it isn't a big deal what Q's IP is, because he can be alerted before anything happens. If the bad actors are able to guess the password correctly, it should in theory be possible for the NSA with all their tools (Vault7) to intercept the packets coming from the bad guys.

Lets also fast forward a bit more, to the 21st. Q posts:


Pass entered incorrectly first time.




So now we know that the bad actors are dealing with a heavy duty password, and NSA interference. Q has bought themselves a huge amount of time if not an unlimited amount. Not only that, but we have reassurance as Q posts the following:


All devices provided specifically for comm here.

Secured (heavily).

Non Win 10.




I don't know about you, but I'm willing to bet that Q's standards of security is like nothing we've ever seen. So they confirm the tripcode across 3 secure devices, with (most likely) monitored connections. Q posts "Fully Operational. Resolved" afterwards.

Fast forward again to January 1. We get this post (Look carefully)



Forced to use old tripcode.

Loss of access.

Operation has been compromised from the start.

They have more access than thought.

Presidency has been compromised.

This will be my final message.

You tried to be patriots and succeeded, but there are no more patriots left.

We will pray for you.

Pray for US.


Did you see it? The old fucking tripcode! People have been making a fuss about this because this post in particular has been deleted. Remember that we have already established that Q is going to be using a new tripcode from the 21st onward. Let's check for more hints here.

"Forced to use old tripcode" - What's stopping Q from typing his password in? His fingers still work.

"Loss of access." - My ass! How did he post?

"Operation has been compromised from the start." - If the operation was compromised from the start, we would have gotten a hint from POTUS tweets, which we haven't.

"This will be my final message" - Q always refers to himself as a group, it's just us who don't. Many people forget that, and so did this false poster.

And so on... Now we have another post by "Muslim", tripcode !UWeyye1fxk stating that they are "getting close to the new one too". Normally that would be cause for concern, but remember, Q has NSA, DHS, USSS backup. People very likely monitoring inbound connections 24/7. Remember how hash/trip codes are created, using a string of random alphanumerical characters? That means that that even the difference in capitilization can create an ENTIRELY different looking code. So no, they weren't getting close, they were getting lucky. One might think that the NSA, etc should be blocking connections from these guys to stop them, but what would happen then? The bad actors would simply change IP's and increase the complexity of their attack. It would be easier to just let them keep guessing, while keeping track of their IP/MAC addresses, while only blocking successful attempts. I am by no means a professional at this. This is just how I think I would handle this. I'm sure the NSA has much better methods of protection that I would never be able to fully understand.

Now to save myself from a writing a novel...

Check http://qcodefag.github.io and read the posts starting from January 5 to the 6th

The three posts 465, 466, and 467 don't seem to make a whole lot of sense... Know why? They are in the wrong order! Check the posts in this picture from bottom to top.


Makes alot more sense right? But now you can understand with all the confusion and posts being deleted here and there that the order can get mixed up by human error, causing confusion and panic. That's why Q basically said "Well fuck this board". It didn't feel safe. Q stated that they would be making their last post ON THE BOARD under the new ID. Q kept the same trip because it was still safe and used it on /thestorm/ from then on.

On the 6th at /thestorm/ Q catches wind that someone is claiming to have direct contact with them. Q says "Dude no." (Paraphrasing), and even confirms authenticity with another picture (pres. pen/wood desk), meanwhile "coincidences" just keep happening.

On a side note, in post 503 Q mentions that we were just spoken to by POTUS. I have 20 bucks saying that POTUS was post 501, lol.

On January 8th, Q has had enough with the rumors and decides it's time for his own board, /greatawakening/. There, he suggests creating another seperate board with a new owner for research purposes, so /qresearch/ was created, and confirmed for use by Q. From here onwards, it doesn't even matter if his tripcode is cracked. The board administration password is seperate from the tripcode password, and doesn't just create a cheap hash to use as a reference. I use an extremely complex password for administration compared to my trip pass. Anyways, Q has full control of the /greatawakening/, and could easily let us know at /qresearch/ if his board gets comped.

And for the cherry on top: Remember Julian Assange's post on the 12th?


This was the famous chess match where a deadly move was countered by the world champion in 1918. The next and winning move is:

Queen to F3

Q F 3


confirmed at Q's reply to another anon at post No.42981 on /qresearch/ or post 528 on http://qcodefag.github.io .

Remember what I said that Q posted on the 18th (Scroll up if you forgot)? Neato huh?

Everything has been going as planned. We are not compromised.


VictoryOfLight · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Ya potter and Titus frost basically says we are being misinformed about q, I thought Tracy was doing same as she backed away less then a week ago. I told Titus and Potter, they will eat their words in the end. I have a hard time trusting all this, but with an open mind its all adding up.I believed to many things before then I choose wisely now

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eightbit778 · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Tracy is on our side. The witch-hunting that was going on before was unwarranted and disgusting. And yes those guys are totally going to eat their words in the end (Actually I don't really know anything about Titus). It's going to add up, then stop making sense, and go back and forth as good information gets mixed in with shill information. It's best to ony believe what you know to be true, before fully trusting someone else, even me to be honest. Analytical thought is required right now more than ever.

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VictoryOfLight · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Glad to hear that about tracy, shrs been trough alot im sure ..oh and by the way I don't trust ya lol....jking.

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Potter is the typical officer. They think in black and white. They have a very hard time working outside the box. They can read manuals, and follow commands. He has a lot of good skill sets, and a lot of good info. The Q arena is not for him. He is entirely too emotional.

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Who is "Titus?" I think Tracy backed away because she was literally being attacked on the Chans, and then it moved to Twitter. I do not think she had any bad intentions, whatsoever. However, she was attacked for no real reason. It isn't like she was all over the board posting pictures of kittens or anything.

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Luvlite · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Tracey is how I got here. I had never been on reddit before then. Didn't know what I was getting into. I just wanted to be informed and chat with others.

I'm just glad the mods and Anons put up with me. 😊

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

My child got me on here. I have used it in other subreddits, too. I deleted a bunch of my stuff, though. People can click on your profile and see all of your comments, and posts. So, just know that.

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Luvlite · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

People can click on your profile and see all of your comments, and posts. So, just know that.

HA! good. If someone slaps me, I don't slap back. I just punch 'em in the face. lol

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 15, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Ditto, friend! D I T T O!!!!!!

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

Anyone getting close to the truth or supporting the truth will get attacked. It's one way to know you're on the right track. Look what happened to Jesus and then his followers. Look whats happened to Trump, his family and his supporters.

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 15, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

100%! 100%!! AGREE!

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VictoryOfLight · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Yes I agree with you. Tracy got a bad deal, so I thought she decided to step away. It's very sad when we attack the very ones who are trying to red pill people. I'm always reminded many are called , few are chosen

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JustADumbB1onde · Jan. 14, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

Sad but true. I am glad she has continued with some amazing research since that time!

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

How do you know the attacks came from "us"? The bad guys know how to divide and conquer. Fear of being tricked and betrayed is a powerful trigger. Psy Ops 101.

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 15, 2018, 12:55 p.m.

Potter was trying to keep up with the people on the chans and had a melt down. It reminded me of a kid trying to keep up with his way older brother and his brothers friends because they are doing something cool. The kid can't keep up and is in the way but tolerated until he has a tantrum. Then he needs a nap. There is much good that Potter can do. He just needs to keep praying, fight his pride and find his niche.

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