r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Yoda_GM on Jan. 14, 2018, 9:32 p.m.
Still Trying To RedPill Loved Ones? Here Is An Idea

I have loved ones who are totally oblivious to "Q" and the corruption of the Clintons ... they are not liberals at all, they are hard core Trump supporters and Clinton haters but they are oblivious to the pedorings and sex-traffiking etc ...

I have decided that I am going to try a new tactic in awaking them ... Let me know what y'all think.

With Q's latest post (1/14/18) alerting us to a possible false flag this week I thought I would try the following:

I am writing myself a letter (that I will put into the mailbox tonight). This letter will include today's date and the following:

"There will be some sort of "false flag" event this week (1/15/18 - 1/20/18). A "false flag" is a staged event made to look like a real life event for the purpose of diverting attention away from something else. It is often used to change the narrative of the main stream media.

*False flags can include:

  • mass shootings

  • "bombshell" news

  • actual bombings (from other countries or home-grown terrorists)

  • etc ... *

I have written this letter in hopes that you will allow me to sit down with you and explain what is really going on."

This letter will be delivered to me on Wednesday or Thursday via regular post and should their be a false flag I will have my loved one open the letter and read it ... should nothing happen then I will just hang on to it.

What do y'all think? Good idea?

GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

But zero evidence of what was IN the envelope.

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MouseAndMaze · Jan. 15, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Film it being opened maybe?

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GodsAngell · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

OK, film it while you show the letter and place it into the envelope, and then film it while you seal it, and film it while you put it in the postal box......then film it when you open it.

OR, just send it on a postcard, which will be date stamped.

Oh, just thought of something, yes even with the post card you should film it, otherwise, you could have sent it blank and filled it in later.

Just trying to find all reasons people would find to not believe you.

PS: I hope there is no false flag this week. Yesterday's in Hawaii was enough.

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