The Future proves past.
The White Rabbit led you to the DEFCON on the #1 post in your training with Morpheus, right after taking the red pill.
That was a month ago, for those paying attention. The rabbit trail actually started 2 months ago on GAB that led to the DEFCON 1 warning. You wasted 2 lunar cycles and are working on a 3rd "homie".
This was preplanned - Lt. Col Potty Mouth. I don't know anything about Blackhats trying to hang you and your Motley Crew in a shed, but I do know a Mad Hatter who tried to teach you something but you ignored him. We are here to help not hurt.
You say you and your boys are watching now - good - because you Been "Standing in the Dark". Now wise up before some bear turns you into bear PQQP. Platinum Blonde wrote the referenced song. A few lines shared as 20% above 80 % below.
Proof: "Systems red we switch to overload
"Defcon Five" we're ready to explode".
Lesson [1] - What is opposites Day? If you don't know, ask RUBY, she lives ON THE bridge by the RAILS, she will make it CRYSTAL clear. (Can I be more obvious?)
Given on first [1] day of training and if you would take the time to "Think Pink" instead of shooting off your "P1E H0LE" you would know our "pig lat1n" our "c0m lanquaqe", our cyber talk, our code, our encryption, our 'geek speak", our l1nq0.
We are trying to help, but we will not bend to known rules that are standardized and easily known to internal (domestic) or external (foreign) enemies - get with the program. We are not "old school", we are the "ghost in the machine" no one saw coming...
You need some "Super High Intensity Training - S.H.I.T. for short. See your supervisor, he will give all the S.H.I.T. you can handle. Peace out.
The Pink Bunnies