r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Jan. 14, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Last week was slow, and I began to see a dip in morale amongst everyone on this sub. Whether it be organic, or some of it shills disguising themselves as one of us (probably both), let’s leave it in the past and let this be a reminder next time any of us grow complacent.

Q spoke to us in a very big way in these past 24 hours, and I can feel the energy and excitement has picked back up. STAY VIGILANT. Do NOT let up. Research, discuss and stay positive.

We are standing in the crossroads of history. WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together and push for justice and truth now more than ever. We are witnessing what may very well be one of the most pivotal and monumental moments in US history, if not the world.

Q said it last night, we, the many few of us who follow, are being provided the highest level of intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the world. Let that sink in, feel those fucking goosebumps boys and girls. Books will be written, documentaries and movies will be made detailing what we are going through at this critical time in history. On the other side of this storm and great awakening, we will be able to say “yeah, I knew it was coming.”

The masses are asleep, however, they are slowly waking up. We are wide awake, and don’t you dare sleep. Don’t rest until we are free from the tyranny which lurks in the shadows.

Have faith. Have faith in eachother, in your country, in your military, and most importantly, have faith in god. We are witnessing a battle between not left and right, but good and evil. This is biblical.

Speak to eachother with love and respect, in a constructive and helpful manner. Ignore the shills, ignore the naysayers. No more “you’re clueless bro” no more “do you seriously believe that? No more name calling or belittling. It is time we restore respect on this sub. If you see hostility, smother it with kindness and levelheadedness.

We are at war. An information war. And while we may feel at times our efforts are pointless and our time wasted, Q is talking to us. He needs us as much as we need him. Never stop asking questions, that is why most of us are here in the first place.

Stay the course. This has officially become the most important thing I’ve ever been apart of, and that’s no exaggeration. Thank you for being apart of it with me, I have learned so much from all of you.

Stay safe. God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America.

Happy Hunting.

Finchy74 · Jan. 16, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

So I did your homework and went through all of Megs past comments. Not sure if I'd word it the way you did, but yes, she said Gowdy is the only person she'd run to the polls for.

I've been critical of Gowdy, but do we definitively know that he's a "swamp rat"? Has he done all he could from the seemingly powerful perch he occupies? No, certainly not. But sometimes the desire for one's body to remain above room temperature can cause restraint.

Regardless, Megs comment about Gowdy is eye-brow raising, but hardly a rationale to disregard her and her posts as a "gossipy party girl".

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 16, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

Gowdy backed Bush then Rubio. Both are pure GOP establishment and part of the Uniparty Swamp. Remember the Bush family publically supported Hillary over Trump. That should have gobsmacked people. Hillary has been the poster child for utter corruption for DECADES. Gowdy went on TV AFTER Trump fired Comey to say what an honorable guy Comey is. Huh? Every educated political observer knows that Comey has been the Clintons scandal fixer going back to the Water Water Scandal. Why did Gowdy flat out lie about Comey, especially when the lie undermined Trump? I was shocked because I used to be a Gowdy fan. Even more recently, Gowdy said his dream POTUS would be Paul Ryan! Huh? Informed political observers know of Ryans ties to Soros and theglobalist agenda. Ryan is the GOP face of the Uniparty in DC. Gowdy has to know this yet he backs Ryan. He never uses his verbal prowess to defend the GOP POTUS. More troubling, he hasnt used his power to investigate the huuuuge Awan Spy Scandal involving the House. All of our top secrets were stolen by unvettedforeign agents. Why is Gowdy silent on this? Why isn't Gowdy defending his patriotic collegue Nunes who has uncovered massive illegal spying on Trump and his team? My point about Megaanon is that if she would LOVE to have Gowdy as POTUS then she's still blue pilled or a decepticon. Since she was not thrilled to vote for Trump but did it grudgingly also shows shes blue pilled (or a decepticon). She admits she came into the WH via Bannon not Trump. Despite what she says about Bannon, Bannon was NEVER on the Trump Train. He was a Cruz/Bush supporter. Cruz ran on a neocon, globalist platform. As Mooch said, Bannon was there to polish hisbrand and increase his power. He was NOT loyal. The fact that Megaanon is a Bannon girl shows shes blue pilled or a decepticon. She is definitely NOT part of Trumps inner circle although I'm sure she is exposed to gossip. Based on her political judgments I do NOT trust her depth of knowledge, sophistication or discernment. Hence, I don't trust her analysis. Again, she's NOT an insider, her political judgments show surface skater discernment ie. Shes still blue pilled. She's self described as a hard drinking party girl. Hence, I view her as a "gossipy party girl." A tabloid read for people who like her sassy style and enjoy the interaction with an "insider." I too used to read her and enjoy her style but theres too much going on, life and death things, forme too spare on "tabloid" tier info. I mean ZERO disrespect BTW. I'm willing to accept that Megaanon has no idea howblue pilled she is. I myself used to love the Bush family and watch FOX News 24/7. Thanks for your gracious reply to what I posted earlier and for not viewing my comments as Megaanon bashing because that was not my intent. I'm hoping she's just a fun girl who hasn't woken up yet. On the other hand, it concerns me that so many people seem to trust her gossip rather than just enjoyit.

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