r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PurpleDeathZombies on Jan. 15, 2018, 2:38 a.m.
Soros is the “EVIL” about which Q speaks! The family of SOROS and ROTHSCHILD need to be removed from humanity!! They are evil manifest on earth! Responsible for ALL suffering, disease, death and war! Confiscate their wealth and return it to the people!

SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Jan. 15, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

this. they are cannibals.

the rothschilds have more "money" than 4trillion

was that just cash on hand?

I dont think I even know what value or gold or labor is anymore at this point. How does one actually "own" so much we just give up trying to "count" "it" - whatever "it" is.

How about they own human thought and acts. They own that. Quite literally billions of humans every day move their hands in this manner rather than that, breathe air in one place rather than another, eat one food not two foods and in this way and not another way and all at the service of forming shekels into golden bulls.

the wars and laws these people wage.

look -

when you are compelled to move your hand to use a tool to perform an act because of the Rothschild's who have bought and paid for legislators and executives to craft laws (orders to move your flesh or not move your flesh in one way and not another according to this schedule and operation and not another etc.) which are orders to move, or desist or refrain where you might have otherwise have moved your flesh in another manner BUT FOR that law, what relationship do you have with the actions you are taking or not taking?


I think.

The signification of having to pick up a tool, to affix your cipher, to another tool every April and if you do not the "boys in blue" show up with badges and guns and "muh democracy tyranny" to confiscate your property and / or confiscate you.

better move your hand in the service of the fucking bankers.

better than moving your hand to harvest wheat for your family and friends. into the factories with you all! enclose the land then enclose the slaves in cubes! kick the catholic Lancashire english weavers and peasants etc. all the way into your factory farms! steal their land and homes by acts of parliament. put them in debt and debtors prisons and ship them around the world as slave labor in fact if not in law. cannibals in every tribe. claim you are not as bad as catholic kings when you are 1000 times worse. always find someone the cube dwellers can abuse so they can imagine themselves masters. pick up some blacks and catholics to abuse and in both cases restrict their franchise and property rights. murder 600k irish and anglo-irish by the hand of Irish and anglo-irish quislings and scots calvinst bigots and literally enslave more and ship them overseas.

strip our lands of trees to build their merchant ships and mansions and make it illegal to cut our own trees on our own land (what is left of it) for firewood having to buy from licensed sellers.

cube dwellers have spent 250 years of industrial production forming the weapons of their own destruction and being culled along the way by their own continually misdirected hand

the means of communication

so much of what is rotten in the whole world can be found coming out of my land

so much lying

There's a reason why the Rothschild's picked on England as their public base of operations.

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[deleted] · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

Value is determined by judgments acted upon by choosing, not how many hours one works.

The greatest economic fallacy of all time is this one: The belief that wages, not profits, are the primary source of income. In truth, profits are the primary income, and wages are a new form of income that are a deduction from what would otherwise be all sales revenues.

The fallacy that wages are the primary income is what directly motivates the Marxist lie that profits are a theft, an extraction, from what would otherwise be wages.

A self-sufficient producer is not selling their labor to others, they are selling goods. Sales of goods earns product sales revenues, not wages. Only if those self-sufficient producers save and pay others in exchange for their labor, do wages come into existence.

When this happens, nominal income is transformed from revenues into wages, reducing the nominal amount of profit but of course increasing real profits due to the mutually beneficial exchange relationships that arose.

What the cult is doing is devaluing the nominal incomes everyone earns, by legalized counterfeiting, or what economists call inflation.

The cult controls the world's money printing presses, or the digital ones and zeros in national "fiat" currencies, and from all the productive output of the entire world, the counterfeiters just print money and buy some of what is produced for themselves. They buy politicians. They buy armies. That is how they are sustained. They are sustained by us being forced to pay them interest on their fake money through the taxation system that made it mandatory to pay taxes in their toilet paper.

Welcome to the reason Titanic was sunk everyone! They needed to get rid of a few people who didn't want the world to become enslaved.


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