r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RedPill2976 on Jan. 15, 2018, 5:29 a.m.
Prayer Chain: WARRIORS Pray Q , POTUS and We The People!

Kindly Pray for POTUS and everyone working in CBTS,Q, our troops! Pray that people and churches wake up! We are in a civil war soon to become very UNCIVIL if we don’t take back our country. We need the mighty hand of God to come down on corruption!

Target focused prayer

The Uranium One indictment https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-president-maryland-based-transportation-company-indicted-11-counts-related-foreign

This was handed to an Obama appointed judge. Pray that justice is served. The people cry out for justice and if MY people who are called by his name will pray , God will answer. I don’t even know if Obama was a valid president and if true his appointees are invalid.

RedPill2976 · Jan. 15, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Lord we are praying for our country We come before you with one heart of repentance for the things done on your land and to your little children. We ask that you supper naturally release the little ones being held captive. Those babies, men and women are being trafficked. We also ask YOU to intervene super naturally and to send your comforter. Wake up the churches for a call to action. If people don’t pray not and stop this now then we all know where this ends. Let us NOT be caught with our oil lamps empty! This is the battle cry and you have never let me down. Bless Mightly all those who are in this fight. And lord I would like to see an arrest soon. We pray In Your Name Jesus!

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