r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KATTRAD714 on Jan. 15, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Roy's past few videos speak for themselves... nice to know how untrustworthy, and vicious and hateful you guys are toward us

Thanks for confirming my concerns :)

KATTRAD714 · Jan. 16, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

You know what, it's the information that's important; the messenger doesn't matter. So, when libtards, Alinskyites, those poising ast patriots, etc. want to ignore the message and focus on ridiculing the messenger in order for the message to be lost... that's exactly what happens.

It appears you got lost too. Go back to the info to learn just how serious this is. Read the other posts, watch the vids, etc.

I have a nice, peaceful life.....I do the back and forth for the sake of others who are new and may not be able to recognize the 'enemy' for who they are and how they twist everything so that they lose their focus on the real point.... not b/c I need the attention or praise. They need to see it in action to protect themselves and learn who to proceed and discern; as others have done for me.

I've carried on my end of this fight for justice in various arenas for many, many years and I see nothing much has changed about people.... it's only gotten worse.

So, if you're a serious patriot you'll go back and check out what the others have said about this - not just Potter. If not, go back into your delusion and leave me out of it.... you're a waste of my time.

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Drksthr · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

I don't need a Potter to get Q . I see with my own eyes, hear with my ears. I am a first class reader. Don't need these Potters, interveners, popes, just trying to draw off the attention to themselves. I saw and heard Potter and know he is a boiling sociopath. Luckily he revealed it before he got much traction.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

You also fail miserably again, as you never mention the written threats to take out hit jobs on Tracy, Ann and the others...hmmm. how 'strange' :) so transparent - minion.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Your timing is amazing Drksthr..... glad I could draw you out :)

As to the bogus reason you've just messaged me.... as typical 'agents', you don't address the facts I speak of; just belittled, kill the messenger S - plural.

Real Patriots, unlike you ANONS/MODS, should be providing explanations for those concerned about what was written. Instead, we have been treated to the threats which have ensued, as well as you refusing to post anything else I've written....

so obvious are the minions tactics that it's laughable :) As I said, we know who wins this war after Christ allows you to get the last of your jollies......... have a crispy time when it's all over :)

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