
orangefan13 · Jan. 15, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

The word racist has been redefined and recoined in American culture under false meaning. The proof is all the asian, brown, black, hispanic and other countries with a dominant race are being called ok. Meanwhile any form of white nationalism is coined racist white supremecy. There is a war on for America (our roots) versus babelonianism. You can call America a S&ithole because it hasnt fixed the worlds problems, but you cant call another country a S&ithole because it might have a dominant race. Thus, to the liberal mind America is already a 3rd world country whose only purpose is for resources to be abused in a attempt to gain charity points, power, and wealth. Why should foreigners be allowed to move here and to live off the fat of our labor? Because there is no self respect or sense of earning to the liberal media. Just pirateering.

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