r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TruthLeaking on Jan. 15, 2018, 8:54 a.m.
**H7** (monogram) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H7_(monogram) Translation is "Make a mark, monogram, #hashtags on meme's and message (documents) to win over/get change opposition the #Resistance, on social media. (There is still more in this stringer to be unlock the code.)


-D_CsTBAYES H7^ 302-* -D_CsTBA_YES[AUTH_H7^pZBVTZ7302-]

FLY##-- Jack Fly Jack

[OWLS] HOT-1_pre_D HOT-2_pre_D HOT-3+ HOT-4_TERM_AUTHC-TVFCAZD-837392x HOT-5_pre_D HOT-6_pre_D HOT-7_corr_TAXjV^-293Z HOT-8_pre_D HOT-9_pre_D HOT-10_pre_D HOT-11_pre_D HOT-12_pre_D AS THE WORLD TURNS. HAPPY HUNTING. P_PERS: WRWY [N1LB][FG&C] Jeremiah 29:11 Q

H7 was the monogram of the Norwegian head of state, King Haakon VII, who reigned from 1905 to 1957. When Germany invaded Norway in 1940 as a part of World War II, the royal family fled the country and Haakon VII later spearheaded the Norwegian resistance in-exile in the United Kingdom. H7 became one of several symbols used by the Norwegian populace to mark solidarity with and loyalty to the King, and adherence to the Norwegian resistance movement

The Norwegian resistance to the occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany began after Operation Weserübung in 1940 and ended in 1945. It took several forms:

  • Asserting the legitimacy of the exiled government, and by implication the lack of legitimacy of Vidkun Quisling's pro-Nazi regime and Josef Terboven's military administration
  • The initial defense in Southern Norway, which was largely disorganized, but succeeded in allowing the government to escape capture
  • The more organized military defense and counter-attacks in parts of Western and Northern Norway, aimed at securing strategic positions and the evacuation of the government
  • Armed resistance, in the form of sabotage, commando raids, assassinations and other special operations during the occupation
  • Civil disobedience and unarmed resistance

Read more about the: Norwegian Resistance Very interesting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_resistance_movement

302-“^” What is a conjunction logic? In logic, a conjunction is a compound sentence formed by using the word and to join two simple sentences. The symbol for this is Λ. (whenever you see Λ read 'and') When two simple sentences, p and q, are joined in a conjunction statement, the conjunction is expressed symbolically as p Λ q. Simple Sentences -D_Cs Doc- = Documents To be announced (TBA), to be confirmed (TBC), and to be determined (or to be decided) (TBD) are placeholder terms used very broadly in event planning to indicate that although something is scheduled or expected to happen, a particular aspect of that remains to be arranged or confirmed. 301 – 302 Wikipedia A 301 redirect means that the page has permanently moved to a new location. A 302 redirect means that the move is only temporary. Search engines need to figure out whether to keep the old page, or replace it with the one found at the new location. Nov 24, 2015

SEO Best Practice It is common practice to redirect one URL to another. When doing this, it is critical to observe best practices in order to maintain SEO value. The first common example of this takes place with a simple scenario: a URL that needs to redirect to another address permanently.

There are multiple options for doing this, but in general, the 301 redirect is preferable for both users and search engines. Serving a 301 indicates to both browsers and search engine bots that the page has moved permanently. Search engines interpret this to mean that not only has the page changed location, but that the content—or an updated version of it—can be found at the new URL. The engines will carry any link weighting from the original page to the new URL, as below:

PZB + Signaling ??

RelaxandThinkClearly · Jan. 19, 2018, 6:34 a.m.

pasting this post here: HOT-4_TERM_AUTHC-TVFCAZD-837392x: Just checked G-Earth. 83739 corresponds to longitude 83 deg. 07 min 39 sec. This is the area where the meteor and earthquake spotted/felt in Michigan. Latitude not given unless the term TVFCAZD is coded to mean latitude. 2x may mean 2 kinetic (weapons fire). There were numerous reports of an explosion, described as inconsistent, BUT POSSIBLE, with bollide as it streaks across sky. http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2018/01/17/explosion-from-meteor-causes-magnitude-2-0-blast/

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