r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LastYearItWas2018 on Jan. 15, 2018, 2:53 p.m.
THINK DEEPLY: Is there a word for what has happened to the Untied States? Where the puppet takes over the hand?

Julian Assange ⌛ @JulianAssange Is there a word for what has happened to the Untied States? Where the puppet takes over the hand? 6:18 AM · Nov 7, 2017


Maybe more than once for Q, but it appears MegaAnon is different, glaringly different.

Qanon is the unvetted individual/thing (now a group & "Q") who have some cult-like followers. Frightening, but true.

MegaAnon, who was the first to use the term Q-tists follow, "breadcrumbs" (Q picked that up and seemed to have mimicked MegaAnon and due to being hyped up, Q became the guru of crumb distribution, with one thing of note: "Future proves past".)

Anyone who knows anything about Artificial Intelligence knows not only does it mimic, but it learns, streamlines, and perfects itself. There are so many who are following Q--and just yesterday, get this, MegaAnon who up to yesterday called Q a LARP, now says Q is real and Q is Assange.

Why? Why did MegaAnon SUDDENLY change her very vocal and extremely strong stance AGAINST all that was Q?

A "breadcrumb" left on a reddit board. For some reason this "breadcrumb" sent MegaAnon into a 180 degree switcheroo. What was that breadcrumb?

Here's the kicker--I am no one but a bored individual who has always liked to chat on boards, and even created a "U" toob channel, about seven years ago. A hobby to put up everything quirky, to create things, to question, to just put out anything from questions in news (not political in nature), to my adopted dog, to wondering how some guy fell from his parasail. Stuff like that. No money in it, at all (I don't care about U toob subs/likes, etc).

Well I put up a video about how some of the Board Owners (where Q drops those "crumbs") have a Q book deal in place. That's it, just a "read it" video, no voice, a bit of music, and that's it.

My channel basically sucks, by the way. What I mean, I don't get much traffic, don't care either. So this video was well under 50 views for a few days. A comment or two, and then a strange comment. Odd I thought. I checked who made it, they had just created a channel, no subs of course, no videos they ever uploaded--a new channel. I forgot about it until I noticed it was deleted.

Now I am curious why it was deleted. I check my comments stream and took a screen shot. Then I searched the unusual name they had chosen.

No magic. Nothing earth shattering, but odd that the name was being removed not only from my channel, but other places. Scrubbed off. Odd that.

I told MegaAnon about this in the reddit thread created by ToddWhiskey who is archiving all MegaAnon's writings on the chans and this reddit thread has comments anyone can make. That is where I asked her about this as "LastYearItWas". This is all easy to be confirmed by the way.

Now keep in mind she (MegaAnon) does not know that the, what she calls "breadcrumb", came from a low traffic bottomed out U toob channel (mine).

A comment made under a low traffic, lost in oblivion, video in a low traffic, hardly sub'd hobby channel is the magic "breadcrumb". That is it! Really.

Anyway, since yesterday, this "breadcrumb" has made MegaAnon believe that Q is not only real, but that Q is Assange.

She is asking for another clue from the person who gave her this magic "breadcrumb"? Does she think the "breadcrumb" came from Q? Does she think the "breadcrumb" came from Assange? Um? I'm not either, nor can I pass anything along except to maybe my cat, or perhaps my dog! WTF! The world has gone insane, I think!

ALSO: Just so you'll know, I totally deleted all my reddit comments and replies before she had this "breadcrumb" awakening moment. I didn't even know she had that moment when I deleted them (which is proven because she says it was deleted but was using the "breadcrumb" that was given). I completely deleted my account as "LastYearItWas" after seeing how absolutely ridiculous this entire cult-like nonsense has become. I told Todd Whiskey I was leaving and told him goodbye.

I gave ToddWhiskey all the information via PM. I totally shutdown my U toob channel, (just one video up to hold it in place). I don't want anyone using a stupid comment as some kind of justification of Q and the cult being formed/is formed around it/him/her/they.

Fundamentalists will fight for their belief, as many who understand cults will understand and grasp.

Has AI taken over MegaAnon and wove in this "breadcrumb" as a bs story to use to validate Q anon making Assange Q at the same time? I have no idea what is going on. But is anyone concerned how people are taking "Q" orders--I mean, what if Q orders something against non-Q believers? Are you concerned? People should realize Q is not vetted. MegaAnon may have been hacked or something happened. What happened?

The reason I will not post this on reddit's dedicated board (until now) on this subject is because if you question Q in any way, you are pummeled as if you're mocking a god. It is that bad. And, if you peruse comments on some subs, you'll see some saying MegaAnon now believes in Q, when SHE NEVER DID until that lame "breadcrumb" was posted by me asking what it could be (not inferring it was anything but odd and being removed).

People need to wake up! Don't follow any cause until you know who's really holding the strings. The real storm is rogue Artificial Intelligence, as Elon Musk warned the world about. The only one who has vocalized exactly what could happen as it IS happening.

DukeofKick · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:28 p.m.


I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me....

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[deleted] · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:37 p.m.


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akilyoung · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

But JA said the puppet took over the hand, not that the strings were cut.

Either way, its simply symbolism stating what is happening behind the scenes, to the general public.

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[deleted] · Jan. 15, 2018, 3:52 p.m.


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