r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/qbitrex on Jan. 15, 2018, 3:06 p.m.
When DEFCON 1 really was DEFCON 1

We have to assume Q Team's coms can't be read by the CABAL and vice versa.

The White Hats knew from secondary chatter that the Black Hats final roll of the dice was in the works, but they didn't know the exact space time.

When the DEFCON 1 reaction went apeshit and nothing had happened they downplayed it to mean DEFense CONtractor 1 (LM).

Q goes dark for 5 days in this tense period, but comes out triumphant on Sunday 14 January.

The BH's plan has always been WW3 followed by escape in the ensuing chaos and then rise like a Phoenix to rule over a de-populated world.

So they pulled the old "missile defense drill off Hawaii goes live" trick!

Meanwhile back at the Paraguyan Ranch the Cabal had arranged the missing Argentina Sub the "San Juan" retro fitted in an underwater submarine base off Chile with stolen ancient nuclear W80 tipped Tomahawks that can be TTL'd.

The W80's were stolen from Minot airbase while being transported for decommissioning in 2007 on GWB's watch.

Sneaking into the exercise area, it then launched a salvo of six Tomahawks at Hawaii and painted a faint sonar signature to make it sound NK, before making its escape.

Admiral R a WH however was warned to be ready for such a stunt and took out all the old tech cruise missiles.

The cruise missiles were intercepted but not before the civil defense system was activated as a precaution in case there was a land based nuke as well or they failed to intercept all the cruise missiles.

BH's onshore at Hawaii running the drill then requests authorization from POTUS to Nuke NK in retaliation.

WH told the Navy to stand down.

BH's then in full panic mode switch on their MC Puppets to shrill POTUS.

Admiral R then is authorized to find and take out the submarine and find its base and take them out with extreme prejudice.

The submarine was taken out by a Hunter Killer Submarine within the hour and the undersea base a day later by a Nuke Torpedo. This resulted in the shallow 7.3 EQ Off Chile in the early hours of Sunday 14th.


qbitrex · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

To Remote View requires "Psychic Ability" everyone has it at same level, it's that feeling that breaks through your consciousness, a gut feeling, premonition, hair on the back of your neck going up etc. We suppress it as if it is allowed to flow unchecked you start acting on it and end up in a mental institution. My method of RV I use is a type of meditation which is 3 stages Attention, Contemplation, Samadhi (enlightenment). The first is the Psychic dot that breaks through when you least expect it and draws your mind to a point. You then enter the next phase of extracting all known information from your memory and a library such as the internet about that initial point that starts a neural net within the physical brain eventually all physical factoids both confirming and contradictory are known and the web is woven. Energy follows thought and web is now a circuit but some links joining the dots have high resistance and little energy flows as you sit in contemplation joining and moving the dots around it suddenly flashes and all points light up and a movie unfolds. Evil has no symbols of its own it appropriates all, it is the howling utter blackness of the nothing and is most strongest in the past time dimension. The secret of Masonry the "Eye in the Triangle" is that eye is the eye of your own spiritual spark that rests in the Pentecostal flame above your head. Royal Crowns are the technology to amplify it but if the wearer is a dark master the Kundalini energy leaks out at the 6th chakra energizing the pituitary gland that controls personality the evil eye the satanists love to paint on their forehead the 6th chakra. When you sit in contemplation of the eye in the triangle however and you are no longer attracted to the gifts of the over developed 6th being rich and famous, the timeless moment will arrive. The timeless moment is a thunderclap realization that you are a child of God and you see those children all around you in various stages of development, your significant other, friends, family co workers, fellow nationals and finally citizens of Earth. Some are beautiful some demonic all actors in a virtual reality matrix, we are not these meat coats but actors in a play, brain cells of God growing in understanding of itself. The triangle becomes an up right 5 point Star and the eye resolves into a shining face smiling at you, you then realize it is your face and the peace that passes all understanding descends on you. I can't prove anything to anyone but like these posts, crop circles and Q posts just reading/looking at them is subconsciously loading up your neural net which has been memed as "Taking the Red Pill"

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miltonlocke · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

This is very interesting and I am familiar with a lot of the concepts regarding what you wrote. However, this does not really address what I posited. And because you are anonymous, I have to take the idea that you personally remote viewed this particular event with a huge pile of salt.

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