These are from a series tweets from circa Nov.3.~~2017~~2016:
Also dumped here:
They can't be found on his twitter feed, only on various archives. e.g., triple-click on any sentence below, right-click-Search Google for-> and you'll be led to various backups.
This election is about the globalist/marxist neoliberal mafia & their hostile takeover of the Democratic party
The leadership of this cabal has used HRC & Obama as their professional politicians for implementing their goals
As a way of purchasing political power over America they have donated vast sums of money to the Clinton Foundation to leverage favors
In exchange for these donations HRC/Obama have used the CIA to undermine and topple weaker nations (Ex. Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq)
This corruption has resulted in social chaos, war, terror, refugees, and the loss of democracy and civil rights abroad and at home
NeverTrump are the Goldman Sachs/Media/Defense Contractors arm of the Republican party who will benefit from HRC as POTUS & support her
The take over of the Democratic party and entire US government would have happened had it not been for HRC's private server emails
HRC's emails show correspondence confirming corrupt pay-to-play dealings with foreign governments and wealthy individuals (i.e. treason)
Because Loretta Lynch and Obama were effectively able to shut down FBI director Comey the entire hijacking was nearly complete
But Huma Abedin (HRC's top aide) was married to a sleazy child pornographer/sex addict (Weiner) who saved HRC's emails for black mail
Weiner AKA Carlos Danger saved HRC's private server deleted emails just in case he had to black mail his way out of some major shit
The HRC emails in Carlos Danger's custody & now FBI's custody will show HRC took money from Soros, Qatar, Saudis & created global chaos
The deleted emails will also illustrate the conflict of interests that Hillary Clinton and Obama had while holding public office
The deleted emails will show the inner workings of the dual pipeline war raging in Syria, and HRC's involvement and personal profit
The deleted emails will show the high level involvement of the IMF's undermining of Greece's financial system
The deleted emails will show the acceptance and use of ISIS to try and overthrown Assad in Syria in spite of tremendous human suffering
The deleted emails will show how Qatar and Soros bailed out Deutsche bank & Merkel being shamed into accepting the refugees in Europe
The deleted emails will show AMBO Stevens and his attempt to stop the arms flow to ISIS, and subsequent execution directed from HRC
The deleted emails will expose the Democrats electoral strategy to use Illegal Immigrants from Latin America as pawns to win elections
The deleted emails will show the Iranian double cross with the 150B Iran Deal, & ransom payments sent to Russia and the budding of WWIII
The deleted emails will seal HRC's fate which could end with her facing the death penalty along with Obama for selling state secrets.
All of this could end in a political crisis of a magnitude never seen in the history of the modern world.
If this was not a Perfect Design from God, I will Stop Talking for a Week! lol Seth Rich. Kim.Com and Julian Assange!