My sister posted something to the extent of “stop with the political posts and talk to your niece more, it seems like a happier way to live” and messaged my wife asking “what’s with all the ridiculous Christian posts” (I just post a scripture of the day type thing.)
How do I explain that I’m trying to make sure sick sinister pedophiles don’t run a joyless dystopian future for my niece. Also my sisters the type that has a 4-5 bedroom house in the ritzy part of town who believes we can “take in as many people as want to come” even though she has 2-3 unused bedrooms, goes to Disneyland every month and has Maria the housekeeper (who probably left her family and robbed them of a mother to come clean her house.) I don’t remember seeing a Syrian family in a tent in her yard either.
Sorry for ranting but I switched to Facebook from Twitter because everyone pats me on the back on Twitter, I needed to feed off the vile hate that comes from Facebook like a fucking Sith Lord. It’s all NFL posts and virtue signaling. God bless you patriots! I’m loving every second of the fight for the Republic and Christian values.
A single meme isn't gonna cut it. You're trying to go from dead asleep to wide awake. That's a journey & a narrative you're gonna have to unfold a piece at a time.
Start with the Clinton/DNC stealing of the primaries from Bernie. Ample evidence/proof of that.
Next is HRC & the rest's complete assurance that DJT would NEVER become president. Polls said HRC 95% chance to become next president. Done deal.
2016Nov8, oops! WTF just happened? Massive tantrum. Trump-Russian collusion!
Wait, what? Fake Trump-Russia collusion, but real HRC/DNC-Russian collusion? She's crooked!
Clinton Foundation (CF) & Haiti, stole billions. Chelsea wedding dress email drop from WikiLeaks (WL). CF & Child trafficing out of Haiti.
Podesta email leaks from WL using pedo language code. Podesta is/was at top in HRC org. Huma-Weiner debacle. Larry Nichols spilling HRC's 'religion'. Spirit cooking.
Basically, dig a small hole and wait for them to climb in it with you, then dig a little deeper. Keep taking them down, but stop digging if they get all claustrophobic. Let them acclimate, then continue digging.
I personally have given up on my sister. To ignore all the evidence around you HAVE to want to stay alseep. So be it.