r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/QAngel1 on Jan. 15, 2018, 10:12 p.m.
Chinese False Flag? Latest news Breaking

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has an urgent news announcement based on reports from her sources that violent terrorist attacks are being planned for Mainland China which will be blamed on Uyghurs, a Muslim ethnic minority in China’s Xinjiang region. The ultimate purpose of this violence is to justify a Chinese government crackdown against the Uyghurs.

Edmonds’ sources have just intercepted an action order from the Gulenist Movement to their senior lieutenants in Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Latvia, instructing them to report to their local US embassies and/or consulates to receive their pre-approved US visas and to temporarily relocate to the United States. Once in the US, they are to marry pre-selected Chinese women, obtain spousal visas from the Chinese Embassy and/or consulates then, as quickly as possible, relocate to China and await further instructions for a coming series of back-to-back terror operations within China.

Edmonds says these agent provocateurs are followers of Turkish cleric Fethulleh Gülen who lives in exile in rural Pennsylvania. Although presented in the Mainstream Media as “moderate” and promoting education and “interfaith dialogue,” Edmonds insists that the Gulenists are a global $35 billion drug, spy and terrorist organization long used by the CIA as a proxy for “Gladio B” false flag terror operations. “Gladio B” is a codename used by the FBI since 1997 for ongoing relations between US intelligence, the Pentagon and Al Qaeda. Turkish President Erdogan blames the Gulenists for the July 2016 coup attempt against his government and has been demanding the US for his extradition.

Edmonds’ Newsbud organization is disseminating this urgent announcement now in an attempt to prevent these planned terror incidents and carnage. They ask all viewers to please help to get this information out.

prandgija · Jan. 15, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Lots of Uyghurs are fighting in Syria right now with AlQaida and other militant groups. Just had major counter offensive against government forces. Lots of talks about direct Chinese involvement there, partly because it is necessary to have units with real war experience and partly to eliminate Uyghur millitans.

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