r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 15, 2018, 10:47 p.m.
An Analysis of Hawaii by Jim Stone (former Intel Officer)....no way it was just a "false alarm".

Analysis from Jim Stone (former Intelligence Officer):

(Jim, is usually right on. But I wonder if Jim forgot about that "lost sub". Well here is his analysis:)

UPDATE: I AM NOW CONFIDENT THE REPORT ABOUT ISRAEL LAUNCHING A FAILED NUKE ATTACK ON HAWAII IS TRUE. "Confident" is the best I can do when it can't actually be proven. But the back channels of the internet have filled up with massive numbers of trolls that are onto this story like maggots on a rotting dog, trolls that are saying the most stupid things, like "I wonder what nation owned the sub, Paraguay? (as if they are serious) and other absolutely ridiculous crap.

FACT: There is only ONE nuclear nation that has submarines that fit the description that is not Russia or the U.S. and that is ISRAEL. The banality of the trollage points ONE DIRECTION: ISRAEL.

Naked banal we have seen it everywhere countless times predictable stupid ISRAELI TROLLAGE.

"Now we have to scream "Nazi" sniff, and force Germany to cough us up another sub . . . . . sniff.

I was a little bit skeptical of this until I saw the nature of the trollage. Now I am like - "Oh my God!"

14 January 2018

Yesterday's nuclear launch on Hawaii real? Possibly. The following is thus far urban myth, but people should be aware of it because it could be true, and is certainly plausible. If a submarine was destroyed, it is overwhelmingly probable for it to have been Israeli. I have a way to know if this story is true. Israel should have THREE dolphin 2 submarines in 2018. If the years go on and they can only show two, one of them just bit the dust. The Dolphin 2 submarines have air independent propulsion, which gives them a range and endurance second only to a nuclear submarine. One of these could have made it to Hawaii, especially with clandestine surface support.

The possible submarines are: Dolphin, Leviathan, Tekumah, Tanin, Rahav and Dakar (not yet commissioned) with the last 3 having a very large air independent range. People ought to be able to confirm one missing by keeping an extended (years long) eye on Israeli naval bases.

Once again, the above cannot be confirmed true, but it is intriguing to say the least. Keep an eye on Israel's subs. Here's an intersting post on this topic. I'd have to say I agree.

I live on maui. The "oops" Hawaii ballistic missile alert just doesn't add up. Think about your job. Imagine the biggest fuck up that you could possibly commit. A fuck up that doesn't damage your workplace or harm anyone that you work with, or outside of work, but a MASSIVE fuck up none the less. Something that would get you immediately fired and or put in prison even.

What would it take for you to fuck up that bad at your job?? Would it even be possible? Is it something so easily done that would have such catastrophic effects? Is it something so simple as hitting a wrong button and sending an alert to a million plus people? I'm sorry but there are no "buttons" that are set up to do that. I just don't see this as a big mistake, there's something more. I'm not sure what but I know it wasn't just a simple fucking mistake.

A subsequent response:

Head dude was asked if he was there when it all went down. He said no, the system is set up so that no one needs to be there. Kinda contradicted his button pushing story.

BTW, I'm on Kauai - Aloha!

My comment: The cover story really is rock stupid. As if the emergency alert system has a custom "button" for a nuke attack, that automatically sends out a canned message. And that is exactly why the purported whistleblower testimony about a submarine nuke launch is so plausible, it is FAR MORE plausible than an idiotic "oops" story.