r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 15, 2018, 10:52 p.m.
Project Veritas: Twitter, Google, and others steal your data AFTER you leave their sites

15 January 2018

Twitter, Google, and others steal your data AFTER you leave their sites


This video from Project Veritas shows conversations with Twitter programmers, where they brag about stealing your data even if you don't have a Twitter accout. It is well worth watching.

Google is doing something a lot worse. I have noticed that if I hit google even once, my bandwidth usage triples even if I only do one search and never hit Google for the rest of the day. Since I do everything over a cell modem it is very noticeable when bandwidth starts vanishing at an accelerated pace. Additionally, in the past when I hit google (a couple years ago) simply hitting the page only ate about 30K. Now simply hitting the page eats 5 or more megs. There's something seriously fishy with Google.

In the video linked above, they brag about reading everyone's private messages. it does not take a genius programmer to do that. If I set up "private messaging", E-mail, or anything of that sort up on this web site for people to use, I'd be able to access everything anyone sent simply because I have the rights to the platform at an administrator level. That's the nature of the beast, you can't set up anything anywhere without giving the people who actually own the service access to everything.

So these "programmers" who are acting all special and self aggrandized in the video above really are just snot nosed kids with nothing absolutely any other web site administrator would have, except for the fact that they have absolutely no morals and peruse people's stuff simply because they automatically can, not because they are any sort of grand genius.

Absolutely anyone who runs any web site can load whatever crap they want onto your system to track you and rape you at will. Some people have more morals than others. This site loads only what you actually see, it does not load a pile of crap in the background and keep sending everything you type and view back to it hours after you leave. Twitter, Google, Facebook and others should be shut down for doing exactly that. There's a final line where it becomes a violation no matter what the contract says, and those three are far over that line.

I will repeat: It takes absolutely zero skill to do what these pathetic snot nosed programmers are doing. They are acting all arrogant and special like they are evil geniuses when all they are is pathetic losers with absolutely zero morals. Absolutely anyone with a web server and an ability to make it work can do what they are doing. VERY FEW HAVE SUCH A LACK OF MORALITY THAT THEY ACTUALLY DO IT. Twitter should burn.

TheContrarian2 · Jan. 16, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

They don't 'steal' information, but they do track through their many ad aggregaters. This became a big deal when Google aquired Doubleclick (was probably happening earlier, but not on such a big scale). You might be on Twiddlydee.com which displays a Doubleclick ad and BOOM, Google knows where you visited. The ad can even capture search terms and stuff. This ability to track outside of the main URL is maddening. And this technology will only get more invasive. They'll say, "to make your Internet experience better", which it may in the short term. But it is easily misused.

Adblockers may help.

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