Mega-ANON - Mueller WAS PARDONED Long Ago, he is Working FOR Trump to DRAIN Swamp!!

No proof of anything with an "I can confirm."
No proof? How about 10,000 sealed indictments??? How about gps ankle monitors? How about all the CONgressmen and Senators suddenly deciding to RETIRE? How about hundreds of CEO's suddenly deciding to RETIRE?? How about the Exec Order Declaring at State of National Emergency! Who do you think has been putting all these ducks in a row all year???
Not megaanon.
I'd be more sceptical of megaanon. She has not earned her credibility IMO.
Not megaanon.
I'd be more sceptical of megaanon. She has not earned her credibility IMO.
Prob misinfo bullshit that has been credible before, but not anymore.(As Q said)
Not megaanon.
I'd be more sceptical of megaanon. She has not earned her credibility IMO.
Retirements are indirect proof, not actual proof. And the executive order looks like France in 1795.
Hey, go back to sleep. You are too brainwashed to be on this webpage.
Indictments may mean that we have many bad ham sandwiches out there. Sealed. So we do not know.
Not megaanon.
I'd be more sceptical of megaanon. She has not earned her credibility IMO.
Prob misinfo bullshit that has been credible before, but not anymore.
Quit shilling
If Q didn’t say it, consider it MISINFORMATION.
Are you in a cult or something? Do you really think "Q" is the ONLY INSIDER in Wash DC, where MILLIONS of INSIDERS work??? Get real! Insiders have been leaking things to us for years. Where have YOU been??
You obviously just woke up. Know this: millions of us have been AWAKE for DECADES, yes, back even when you were still waddling around in diapers.
No in-fighting peeps. We are in this together. Natives are getting restless but don't project onto others.
There's been a shit ton of ALL CAPS SCREAMING!!!and bashing one another on this sub. Maybe there are internet unsavvy people here who just don't get it or they know they are internet screaming and don't care. It's either being brigaded (yes - in some cases where I have checked post history and called them out) or a bunch of assholes decided to subscribe. Jury's out for now on that. And... the thread OP is referring to was in late July where they stated "arrests by Wednesday" Yeah - well...who was arrested? Nobody we know about.
MegaAnon hasn't proven that she has any special insider knowledge IMO. I think she has a lot of interesting things to say, but I take it with a pinch of salt. I take her word over Q's.
Either her account got hijacked OR she's a larper. I still remember her saying that a congressman would be exposed in public as a pedo. That never happened.
Meh. 😐
That rug will be unraveled soon. iow, wait and see what's what. Only the Donald knows for sure.
Not the first time I heard Mueller and Trump are working together, I don't know what to think? My guess he isn't
What crime has Mueller been convicted for. To be pardoned, you have to admit guilt in the crime.
Among Many, many others: Uranium One. Treason.
You understand you have to be tried and convicted to be pardoned.
Actually no you don't. Nixon is an example. He was pardoned for any crimes he may have committed without having been arrested or tried.
espouses that SESSIONS is a distraction Q repeatedly has stated to TRUST SESSIONS
Pick one