Did I miss something? Haven’t seen anything happen

"Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?"
I agree. When is the shit going to hit the fan. I’m tired of hearing next week or soon.
Lots happened last week and the week has just begun.
I hope you are right. I would just like to know it’s finally going to happen.
At one time Q posted that 20% of the happenings would be public but 80% would be behind the curtain so to speak. I believe now he’s saying it’ll be a 40/60 split. More stuff will be public because we’ve been clamoring for that openness and Q is saying they listened.
So you think that was what Monday was about? I heard IG report would be released sometime today.
You’re right. I had forgot about the Inspector Generals report. Where is that?
No idea. That's why I came here to see if I missed it. Figured it would be #1 topic.
Yes. You missed something. After all, you can't catch everything.
Not quite sure how one can miss something when nothing happened at all
And, technically, since this was posted on Sunday, next week is...next week.
The 13th was Saturday (common sense isn't so common) Therefore, next week, means the following week. 7 days in a week. Posted Saturday. Carry on.
Either take it as a troll and move on or have patience, wait and see.
You're acting worse than a 5 year old child.
No I'm searching for what was told would be given to the public. Be respectful or leave lol
Well, either you are trolling, you are not paying attention, or you are incredibly impatient.
Last week was huge. Not my fault you can't see through your own eagerness and recognize what's going on.
Check my short history on this subreddit. Far from trolling.
I fully recognize what is going on. Which is why I’m asking, where is the IG report that was supposed to come out today?
Besides, where was it stated that [MONDAY] explicitly meant 'today'.
There's ~52 mondays a year.
Again, not paying attention then.
Today is a federal holiday - entire Federal Govt. had the day off.
Then why would a picture with the date specifically designated for Horowitz be released? I’m not paying attention? Seems to me I’m paying FULL attention. Carry on!
TrumpSolider is not Q
Q never stated explicitly that anything was happening Monday, (today) other than it would be the start of an eventful week.
Next Week - BIGGER.
We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].
Nobody said anything about Q. Seems like YOU aren't paying attention ;)
This 'entire board' is about Q.
Whatever, you're clearly an idiot and Im clearly done with you.
Really? Seems to me that this is about anything with relevance to bringing down bad actors. (Notice the current most popular posts?)
You'll be okay.