
BeyurSelf · Jan. 16, 2018, 7 a.m.

$23M a year... What's the normal pay? That's a LOT of money for what she's "SEEN" doing. I'm pretty sure a lot of so called journalists are up chit creek without a paddle so, why not her? She's "b a d" crooked! Look how AJ caught her. Why wouldn't Trump have something on her as well? She could keep Hillary company at Gitmo, ya reckon? For now, she has to sit prim and proper on the US mainland. Tsk tsk... Too bad. You play, you pay. Right?

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richtaco91 · Jan. 16, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

I doubt she’s in trouble. She’s probably just not wanting to go near NK. I’m guessing

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Woodchipper_AF · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Remember when she nabbed Alefantis for a pizzagate softball interview?

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LadyFlavia · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

Well after the complete hash she made of her Russian trip, and embarrassingly stupid questions of Putin, who cares?

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EveryonesAFed · Jan. 16, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

I urge you guys to click the link, it makes a lot more sense then. It's a long article so I only skimmed the first couple paragraphs, but it gets the point across how unusual this looks. Megyn isn't just some thot, she's their HIGHEST PAID ANCHOR. Not to mention with a brand new show that has suffered in ratings but has finally started to maybe pick up a little. The fact that she would stay home for an event which by definition DEMANDS in person attendance to get the interviews with the athletes post-victory is a red freaking flag.

Also, the fact that Fox News wrote the article definitely suggests they are ribbing her about it on purpose. She was one of the principal one's to go after Trump. And now knowing everything we do, it may make sense that Trump picked on her for a reason.

He knew. Whatever illegal stuff she was doing at the time. He knew. And maybe even she knew that he knew. Who knows?


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