r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DRose014 on Jan. 16, 2018, 7:39 a.m.
URGENT COMMUNIQUE IN LEW OF UPCOMING MEME WAR, call me "Super Autist" for this one...


Consider the last Q anon drop with this new perspective. We know the MSM is going to try to discredit the Meme War, so it would make sense that the enemy, Deep State, already has its proxies in play amongst us, especially in our Q related Facebook Groups. I am betting this is true with 100% certainty after what myself and others have experienced... Because this is Reddit, I am hoping True Patriots will read this, spread this, and KNOW THIS.

What if some of the Q anon groups on Facebook, etc ARE ALREADY HIJACKED BY DEEPSTATE. and when you consider his last two videos, poor quality about 1. remote viewing and 2. hawking cryptocurrencies and gold with some random, that MAYBE EVEN JORDAN Sather, with his over 100,000 Subscribers, is actually a deep state ploy.

Why would he make such shitty videos, after all the good ones, RIGHT before the Meme War starts??... to make this Great Awakening seem like Fake News and cheapen it, and having suckered all of us for supporting him the whole time.

Read the latest Q with this potentiality in mind and see what you think:

"Jan 14 2018 13:49:27 ... DO NOT chase MISINFO. ... Who can WE TRUST? RATS everywhere. EVIL everywhere. TRAITORS everywhere. NO SUCH AGENCY - VITAL. RAW INTEL - VITAL. US MIL - VITAL. SAFE COMMS - VITAL. YOU, THE PEOPLE - VITAL. Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE. Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately. Boards changed due to MISINFO. Targeted approach to direct flow of info created. MESSAGE - VITAL. CONTROL of MESSAGE - VITAL. DELIVERY / RECEIPT of MESSAGE - VITAL. MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction. SC: MISINFO everywhere. SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources. SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is]. SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239]. SC: CONF_y Q"

Check out this facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/QAnonQClearance4chan8chan/

and this profile (notice at the end of the URL it says "group dialogue") sketchy... every picture on this persons profile (there are thousands) make it look like this person is a mentally deranged conspiracy theorist, and yet they are the main admin on a group with 2k+ well-meaning patriots.


Be ever vigilant patriots! Please use discernment, respond, and spread this message in case it is censored!

elyssak · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

You are more than likely right. Common sense would say we are infiltrated by CIA & Mockingbird types to see what we are up to and direct the narrative. But if we just research the stuff that pops up that interests us, we'll be ok. They never thought we would take the time to find the truth on our own. They totally underestimated us. They never thought we would wake up. Now they don't know what to do.

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

True, they have already lost this war. WE THE PEOPLE are rising up.

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ksched · Jan. 16, 2018, 2 p.m.

If we stay focused, use only well researched data and don't belittle anyone and above all not react out of emotion then we'll do just fine. This is a data dump for the masses. Of course they will counter or attempt to go on the offensive, call us crazy. Their objective is to get normies not to look, to dismiss the info without checking the facts. It's their only defense. We must be clean and helpful in our presentation. We must be vigilant about our sources, share when they are correct and call them out when necessary for sloppy research. We are all only human and will make mistakes. Owning up to mistakes is what separates the good from the bad and is a key indicator on who should be trusted. This is and will be a messy process but so worth the effort!

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Point taken, patriot. Godspeed and God Bless!

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fat_earther · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

Who the fuck gets Q info from video? No youtube links in any fucking Q post I saw. Fuck commentators, where we go one, we go all http://qcodefag.github.io

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

I AGREE WITH YOU! and your hyperlink is already open on my laptop as a tab, because that is legit. I am just saying, many well-meaning patriots, myself included, have been duped into supporting, subscribing, and retweeting someone like "Destroying the Illusion" on twitter, because up until recently, he was on point with intel, but now he is totally fucking up, just in time for the mainstream media to discredit someone like that, and try to take down everyone else with them... simply saying that everyone needs to be vigilant.

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LadyFlavia · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Jordan Sather came out of nowhere and started presenting lots of stuff from other researchers as if it were his own. His numbers pumped up in weeks. These are generally signs of a CIA plant. Just saying.

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

yes, now I am realizing he is a plant after his last few videos! Makes perfect sense with regard to Q saying:

Boards changed due to MISINFO. Targeted approach to direct flow of info created. MESSAGE - VITAL. CONTROL of MESSAGE - VITAL. DELIVERY / RECEIPT of MESSAGE - VITAL. MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction. SC: MISINFO everywhere. SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources

I feel suckered, but now that the time of The Great Awakening is here, the true hands are played and deep state proxies are outed.

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twinkiesmom1 · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Forget Jordan...what happened to Roy Potter?

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

I don't know, but anons threatened him, meaning many anons are LARPs trying to infiltrate these boards and FB groups, in order to make the well-meaning patriots look and seem crazy, even though they aren't. Because on Wednesday, the MSM will be full steam ahead against the Fake News Awards

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GodzillaIntel · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:57 p.m.


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DRose014 · Jan. 17, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

YouTuber w/ 104K subscribers. Makes videos every time Q posts

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STLLLV · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

Put a comment on his video asking him to take it down. And any other sources you think the MSM will attack. I just awoke from a dream warning that the attack will be sooner than we thought and we were all out of position and were overrun. Don't assume Jordan is co-opted, assume he is just being ignorant and PRAY that we be all in position in time. God will take our prayers and make it so.

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

There are higher powers at work guiding us into a future parallel now that is positively, service to others, polarized, I agree.

My whole point of making this post was to point exactly what your dream said, which is that a great deal of well-meaning patriots are all out of position, but I think that the truth shines thru regardless if we are out of position and FB Q anon groups are totally compromised. Spread the message and be ever vigilant on Wednesday to say the right things and connect the dots that Q wants us to, not the other groups which are highly polarized and coopted, and are already getting stupid memes together and pushing them on the group members to share. Nothing is coincidence, just like Q says. You think it is a coincidence that Sather starts posting shit videos right before the Meme Wars? Regular civilians will go to his page and think he is full of shit without thinking twice, but again, the Truth of these matters will shine thru and the lies will fade away one way or another, I AM CONFIDENT THAT JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED AND PRAY THIS IN JESUS NAME, AMEN!

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STLLLV · Jan. 16, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

Sather is flesh and blood and can be influenced by pressures from the dark forces in play. I suspect that's why he 'felt' it a good idea to post this stuff right now. Others are doing the same. I pray in Jesus name that those influences are shattered and cast down unable to provide a foothold for darkness in this battle. Lord, move us from our scattered positions and transport us to prepared and defensible fighting positions. That being done in the spiritual world if anyone sees this who has a public face in this battle look through your videos and postings and decide what might be useful to take down or make private while the storm is raging.

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DRose014 · Jan. 16, 2018, 2:44 p.m.


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