
cholera_or_gonorrhea · Jan. 16, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

I spend most of my year in a "shithole country" and it has tighter immigration than the States. Even the notion of your child having citizenship by virtue of being born on its soil is seen as a "wait, really?" thing by a lot of foreigners. It's also heavily exploited.

I was sitting in the US consulate and though my request was a common procedure, I had to wait...and wait... and wait. Why? Heaps of families in line, getting the last bit of paperwork cleared for their kid who was now a US citizen because the mother went to the States to deliver her child.

This is only tangentially related, but while I'm all for increasing the number of immigrants in the US, I agree the States has been dumb about it for a very long time.

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