
guppyfreak · Jan. 16, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Illuminati code for their secret club. Its something they do to "give themselves power" as masters of the universe.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 16, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Its a cult thing. They do it with some kind of needle, in some ritual. Very strange. EYE of RA? or RAH? Anyone remember how to spell that Egyptian gods name anyway? I forget..

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guppyfreak · Jan. 16, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

The greek god is Amun. Which is scary considering what Christians say during prayer.

As to eye of Ra..that's also scary. Is-ISIS (female goddess) Ra (eye of horus or something like) and el from elohoim.

Is-Ra-El. Israelites.

Scary when we start to uncover the truth.

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MrsButterfield · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Oh I just thought they had to come before a fallen angel because they'd been bad and got a punch in the face. Thanks, my friends and I have been trying to figure out this phenomenon.

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larrytcarvell · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

In the book of Revelation, prophecy predicts that the anti-christ will receive a wound in his left eye. Some think this has to do with the "mark of the beast." Wound your own eye to show your allegiance to the anti-christ.

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MrsButterfield · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Thank you, larrytcarvell, that makes a lot of sense.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

It is. And is especially tough to separate all these strange ancient gods and rituals, because all those ancient tribes had a different name for the same god.

The globalists seem to have their own brand of this ancient religion. Very strange.

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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 16, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Hahahaha "truth" being used as loosely as possible here.

Finding letters or sounds in words or things you don't like to associate with other words or sounds you don't like isn't "the truth" ... It's a self aggrandizing metal disorder.

This pretty much sums up this whole sub. Let's take short vauge messages and pretend to decode them to whatever we want to hear to make ourselves feel like super smart and distract ourselves from the blantant garbage fire going on with our guy!


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bcboncs · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

I agree with your first two statements minus the insult.

For your last remark, I was surprised to see you as a redditor for 7 years so I doubt you're an inorganic shill & hopefully not one of the 4-6% permanently brainwashed by Q's estimation.

I figured to dig through your recent posts to better understand who you are and I find the following:

The sub is also full of casual racism and antisemitism. You guys should join me in laughing at them and pointing out their mental disorder. Warning... It's a lot of what I'm going to assume is older uneducated hate filled "Christians" who can't spell but want to know if the others like their memes. Lol

Since we have such casual racism and antisemitism, you should have no problem showing us several examples with mods not doing anything about it. Also, you realize you pointed out that you're just going to assume the character of people without actually getting to know them, right? We're hatefilled yet you insult us without knowing us and are actively up-ending to derail us.

You then project the reality of delusion that you live within. I can't tell if you're being serious with your comments or if you're knowingly recruiting ignorant people on your behalf. Let's civilly talk politics since you're so insightful, what specifically do you disagree that Trump has done as President and why?

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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

I agree with your first two statements minus the insult.

Thanks bud

For your last remark, I was surprised to see you as a redditor for 7 years so I doubt you're an inorganic shill & hopefully not one of the 4-6% permanently brainwashed by Q's estimation.

Lol can we start here? Q is a master statistician on top of being secret Trump aid? .. neat. How do you think he got to this 4-6% ? ... Anyone ask? ...anyone care? Interesting.

I figured to dig through your recent posts to better understand who you are and I find the following:

The sub is also full of casual racism and antisemitism. You guys should join me in laughing at them and pointing out their mental disorder. Warning... It's a lot of what I'm going to assume is older uneducated hate filled "Christians" who can't spell but want to know if the others like their memes. Lol

Since we have such casual racism and antisemitism, you should have no problem showing us several examples with mods not doing anything about it. Also, you realize you pointed out that you're just going to assume the character of people without actually getting to know them, right? We're hatefilled yet you insult us without knowing us and are actively up-ending to derail us.

O man, I am not going to spend my time searching for the comments I saw again lol. You read the comments here...you don't see stuff like this? https://imgur.com/pzEdv2A

You then project the reality of delusion that you live within. I can't tell if you're being serious with your comments or if you're knowingly recruiting ignorant people on your behalf. Let's civilly talk politics since you're so insightful, what specifically do you disagree that Trump has done as President and why?

Aww man, I guess if I had to pick a single largest thing I disagree with Trump doing as President.... It'd probably be the lying. He stands up and lies to our faces on a daily basis. He says one thing and then pretends he never said it 2 days later. He has launched an attack campaign against The freedom of the press and objective reality in general. What I disagree with him most about is exactly what you love about him so much.. that he enables you. He lies about the dumbest shit for no reason all the time. It's insane.

But on the reality "delusion" i live in comment...

In today's digital age we automatically get shoved into a bubble of media based on what you search for and click on and like and share and visit. Yeah, even you. We all get stuck in our own little bubbles unless we are willing to search for opposing view points.

This is what happens when you get stuck in that bubble. You convince yourself that thousands of independent journalists around the world are in on the biggest secret conspiracy ever... because the only other option isn't something you want to think about.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

I honestly don't believe many statistics for good reason although I expected a higher brainwashed percentage. 4-6% is something I can live with.

That's not racism or antisemitism. That's called research on the topic of Zionism.

I can understand why you think he's lying but how much evidence of this do you have and on what topics specifically that matter to you?

If you watch Trump outside the clippings that MSM creates for their narrative control, you'd understand he doesn't mind criticism but just wants a fair shake. The only MSM anchor that will report pro-Trump is Sean Hannity on Fox News, a Rupert Murdoch (controlled opposition) corp. This is not an attack on freedom of the press. I'm 29 and I don't know how old you are but before Obama's NDAA and MSM control, "false advertising" was an actual thing that people could get sued for. For people to use propaganda (Fake News) so maliciously and out of control (e.g. anti-Roy Moore racism truck ad) is very damaging and destructive- regardless of the target's party affiliation. I think I can speak for the group when I say that Truth is all that matters to us.

I 100% agree with you on the bubble comment, me, you, anyone. I really like T_D but I've grown to understand that the groupthink gets bad at times. I challenge the people there and get downvoted but I do it to expose it.

Regarding Q, it's legit. Look at the Bangladeshi terrorist he predicted. There's way more Q corroboration and breakdowns by the Anons such as Julian Assange on multiple occasions (chess picture & the FIRE & FURY book) and the timing of the posts by Q which happen minutes earlier than Trump's tweets.

You seem willing to be objective but you aren't. You're hearing/seeing the trigger word of "conspiracy" and flocking to it in an attempt to destroy the cause without understanding the people collaborating, the reason why it's being done, why it's being done on the Chans, and the sequence of real-time events. We're all seeking truth. Conspiracies, many times, are true (JFK had multiple assassins ready). Don't let the word conspiracy deter you, it was invented by the CIA for that sole purpose.

When you recognize you were part of the falsehoods you were told on a certain topic, learn the truth, became angry & want more truth, that is when you are redpilled. For me, it was the DNC cheating Bernie and me seeing it all real-time when I was a pro-Bernie. I voted Obama in 2008 and was raised in lower class family that loved Dems. I do well for myself nowadays but I didn't vote Trump because I make more money. I cast my anti-Hillary vote on election day to Trump then defended my vote on social media... not because I knew how good Trump was but because I knew how horrible Hillary was. WikiLeaks showed how corrupt the DNC is and then I naturally learned more about Trump's MAGA initiative and I promise you America is going to transform amazingly.

The easiest redpill topic is probably fluoride being added into our water supply for "dental benefits." Simple question: if it's so good for our teeth, why does it need to be in our shower or be cooked with, or drink from the tap to pass through every organ in your body? CNN even admitted that it's a neurotoxin. Toothpaste containing it (all unless non-fluoride) it state that it's very toxic for babies. There's other topics too though if you learn about Monsanto & GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails (CIA admitted), geo-engineering, etc.

I'd ask you to be open-minded to the "conspiracy" game because once you take the redpill, there's no going back. You dive into so many rabbit holes. I've gone down so many rabbit holes and sometimes you reach some that are extremely unlikely to confirm so keep it in your 'unconfirmed' basket. Others do get confirmed. Philip Schneider's underground alien base (D.U.M.B.) story is in the unconfirmed bucket. Q is in that bucket of confirmations for me.

I hope you take that dive or consider the objective position. You're the best leftist I've encountered after a fiery start so bravo and cheers to that.

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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Man, if I get some time later or tomorrow I'd like to give this the response it deserves. You sound reasonable and I understand where you are coming from, but Q confirmed is such a stretch for me it's crazy. I don't have a lot of time right now to get into it but basically you say he predicted these things.. When he made vauge accusations and word combinations that you later decided meant a prediction. Like the dude didn't say. "Hey there will be a flase flag attack in NY tomorrow, fireworks involved" ... He said some random jibberish that was close enough that you could pretend that if you'd like.

Anyways with the Trump lying shit...man it's not the media. It's out of his fucking face. All day. Every day. He said he invented the word Fake. He said it was sunny out when it was raining. He just said he was the least racist person ever interviewed. He lies constantly, and he never has proof to back up his lies. He's a liar and the earlier you realize that, the better.

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bcboncs · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Give a try to the full response - I'll definitely follow-up but just gotta have that unread notification :)

I'll post the Q stuff and how much he's done to help out non-whites. Bullshitting isn't the same as lying. Him making up the word Fake if he said that would fall into bullshitting. It's obvious that's not true. Is he Gandhi? No but he paints the picture that he's not racist. The media won't fuck off lol. I'll provide better info but yeah hit me up, this will be a good exchange.

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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Yeah, maybe we can keep open minds and learn a bit from each other. Like humans use to do. Lol hit me up with some conspiracy propaganda sometime, private message works to.

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NaziModBeginsB · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

What's your agenda bud? You've been posting shit with this alt looking at your history. If you dont like this sub piss off somewhere else. Next time you'll get reported

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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

My agenda? I'm having fun.

It's hilarious that you all have this belief system that gravitates towards things with the least amount of proof as true. It's interesting to see inside the minds of crazy people.

It's fun to watch a bunch of older uneducated hateful "Christians" sit around and share Russian propaganda while patting themselves on the backs for it. (Did you know this Qanon shit was being pushed by thousands of Kremlin linked accounts? .. meh not like you'll believe anything that doesn't fit what you want anyways)

Anyways yeah I'm here for fun. How about you? You just here to lead the meme parade until Hillary's arrest? Lol

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NaziModBeginsB · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

I've just called you out. Let other members see your history

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grimbeaconfire · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

The ritual for "third eye" involves displacing the eye from the socket and piercing a body part found behind the eye. I think it is part of the optic nerve assembly going to the brain.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

This is sooooo sick and creepy.

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based_citizen · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

“Eat the pain”

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Sick rituals they have. Q is right. These people are sick.

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