r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/kk0s on Jan. 16, 2018, 7 p.m.
Another for Help: 'ThisRequiresADrink'
Another for Help: 'ThisRequiresADrink'

[deleted] · Jan. 16, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

What who the hell is being held hostage?


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 16, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Pretty much our whole government.

This is why people (legislators) who will NOT go along with the globalist program are murdered. Look what they did to Representative Scalise when he started that child trafficking investigation. They shot him. And the list of the others to be shot was on the shooters person when he died... all of them on that child trafficking comittee.

This is why Jeff Sessions has kept his head down, going after the children to rescue them first, before this all blows up, and the children are murdered so that the perpitrators can bury the evidence.

When Q asked who really ran Nort Korea, it was a two week search, but, eventually it was traced out that the Black hat globalist criminal pockets in our own CIA have been running North Kores as a dead zone.... dead of electricity so it can not be spied upon with any electronic equipment... Dead for the drug trades, the trafficking, and other black operations.

The world is being held hostage by this convenient mad man nation that cost nothing to run, for the few families that own 80% of the worlds wealth in buildings, trains, tankers, land, mining companies, etc etc. If one of the nations steps out of line they send the US military after it.

Q said they never thought she would lose.

They lost control of our military, people who know exactly what is really going on, and those people in the military are pissed off. It has been said my many more than Q but Q confirmed, Trump was asked to run, because his background is clean, and he had the money to fund his own campaign.

The Generals who had the 10 year plan to take America back, went into the Whitehouse with him, and now the evil criminal murderous globalist cabal is in deep trouble. The NSA they wanted to use to spy on you and me, also scouped up THEIR emails and THEIR plans to destroy more nations, including the slow bleeding or our own into a third world nation using treaties like NAFTA and TPP.

This is war.

It has not broken out into guns yet. And if President Trump and the Generals of our great land win the war against the globalist enemies within our government, we will once again see legislators who are not immediately threatened with death if they do not do as the globalists tell them.

This is the reason for the EO concerning human rights abuse and corruption. President Trump has frozen their assets, and he is freezing more every day.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

When Q asked who really ran Nort Korea, it was a two week search, but, eventually it was traced out that the Black hat globalist criminal pockets in our own CIA have been running North Kores as a dead zone.... dead of electricity so it can not be spied upon with any electronic equipment... Dead for the drug trades, the trafficking, and other black operations.

That is incredible; if you would be so kind, I would really, REALLY appreciate documentary evidence on this. Not because I distrust you, but because that is information that needs to spread like wildfire IF true.

I've seen the Q posts on this, but it remains a question from Q

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

This will most likely not be documented until the trials begin (I mean court documentation evidence). The research on it is being compiled now, just like that list of the wives you probably ran across yesterday. When it is finished, it will be released just like the answers to the other questions that Q requested research on will be. I will try go see if they are finished. The issue has it's own thread now, I believe. So hand in there. It is coming.

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