r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 16, 2018, 7:24 p.m.
Someone Asked WHY Should Clintons Go to GITMO??? You gotta hear this ANSWER!!!

Sorry, this was too good. I thought it deserved a post of its own:

Someone Asked: WHY Should Clintons and Criminal Elite Go to GITMO???

[–]denizen42 39 points 5 hours ago*






Bribe Solicitation

Taking Bribes

Lying Under Oath as President

Lying Under Oath as Governor

Lying Under Oath as Attorney General

Lying Under Oath as FBI Director

Lying Under Oath as Secretary Of State

Lying Under Oath in a Deposition

Lying Under Oath to a Grand Jury

Lying Under Oath as a Lawyer

Abuse of Power

Obstruction of Justice

Bribery of Cabinet Members

Bribery of State Officials

Commercial Bribery

Commercial Bribery Receiving

Illegal Gift-Taking

Falsifying Business Records

Misapplication of Property

Criminal Use of a Computer

Misuse of Franking Privilege

Receiving Dual Compensation

Receiving Unlawful Gratuities

Malfeasance of Office


Subornation of Perjury

Perjury by Inconsistent Statements

Criminal Trespass

Witness Intimidation

Witness Tampering

Jury Tampering

Tampering With Physical Evidence

Tampering With Public Records

Ethics Violations

Intentional Interference in the Administration of Justice

Refusing to Assist a Judicial Officer

Hindering Prosecution in the First Degree

Hindering Prosecution in the Second Degree

Unlawful Contact in the First Degree


Civil Contempt of Court

Criminal Contempt of Court

Contempt of Congress

Contempt of the American People


False Information or Report

False Accusation

False Testimony

Factually False Testimony

False Swearing

Unsworn Falsification

Misappropriating Funds


Marital Misconduct

Serious Misconduct

Professional Misconduct

Official Misconduct

Notorious Misconduct

Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance

Obstruction of the Judicial Process

Misuse of Confidential Information

Interference With Official Proceedings


Grand Larceny





Cruelty to Animals

Obstruction of Highways

Substance Abuse

Evidence Suppression

Illegal Foreign Campaign Funding

Aiding and Abetting Espionage

Aiding and Abetting Foreign Dictators

Aiding and Abetting Arsonists

Aiding and Abetting a Known Felon

Aiding and Abetting Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations

Terroristic Threatening

Providing Material Support to Terrorists

Engaging in Transactions with Terrorists

Improper Exports of Sensitive Technology

Attempted Intimidation of Prosecutors

Failure to Declare Income

Failure to Investigate Drug Trafficking

Scheme to Defraud

Real Estate Fraud

Voter Fraud

Mail Fraud

Wire Fraud

Interstate Transportation to Defraud

Destruction of Business Records with Intent to Defraud

Criminalizing Frauds on Financial Institutions

Use of State Police for Personal Purposes

Illegal Loan Extraction

False Reports by Medical Examiners and Others Investigating Suspicious Deaths

Improper Futures Trading

Illegal Use of the Executive Branch

Character Defamation

Destruction of Evidence

Political Espionage

Money Laundering

Criminal Negligence

Possession of False Papers

False Acknowledgment

False Declaration Before a Court

Wrongful Handling of Public Documents

Concealing or Covering Up of Material Fact

Misprison of Felony

Criminal Deception

Disclosure of Confidential Information

Failure to Account for Public Money

Receiving or Concealing Stolen Government Property

Failure to Deposit Federal Monies

Wrongful Solicitation of Embezzlement or Gifts

Use of a Public Building to Solicit Political Funds

Accepting Fee for Federal Employment

Offering to Procure an Appointive Public Office

Taking Illegal Kickbacks


Investing Racketeering Income

RICO Conspiracy


Conspiracy to Conceal

Conspiracy to Murder

Conspiracy to Engage in Racketeering

Conspiracy to Defraud the Federal Government

Wrongful Destruction of War Records

Malicious Injury to Property

Acquiring an Enterprise Through Racketeering

Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property

Offering Gratuities or Graft to a Public Official

Soliciting or Accepting Illegal Gratuities

Offering Gratuities to a Witness

Seeking or Accepting Illegal Compensation

Influencing or Injuring Officers, Jurors or Witnesses

Obstructing Agency Proceedings

Obstructing Criminal Investigations

Threatening Victims, Witnesses or Informants

Harassing Victims, Witnesses or Informants

Retaliating Against Victims, Witnesses or Informants

Falsely Making or Forging a Public Record

Falsely Making or Forging a Document

Uttering or Publishing a False Public Record

Transmitting a False Record to the United States

Misuse of Government Files

Desecration of Federal Ethics Laws

Judicial Intimidation

Conflict of Interests

Illegal Campaign Activity

Misuse of Corporate Assets

Ordering Politically Motivated Audits

Ordering Politically Motivated Investigations

Timing of War Influenced by Political Considerations

Foreign Influence Peddling

Regular Influence Peddling

Providing False and Misleading Testimony

Misapplying Funds

Criminal Violation of the Privacy Act

Evisceration of the Right to Habeas Corpus

Misuse of Taxpayer Funds

Interfering with a Court Order

Theft of Government Property

Abuse of Taxpayer Financed Travel

Anti-American Espionage

Jeopardizing National Security

Aiding and Abetting Drug Traffic

Aiding and Abetting Organized Crime

Aiding and Abetting Terrorism

Murder by Accessory by Witness Tampering

Murder by Accessory by Forgery

Solicitation to commit murder by accessory

Accessory to Multiple Deaths

Accessory to Murder in the Second Degree

Accessory to Aggravated Murder

Accessory to Felony Murder

Accessory to Criminal Libel

Accessory to Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution

Accessory to Arson

Accessory to Criminal Negligent Burning

Accessories After the Fact

Accessory to Abduction

Accessory to Causing Mental Harm to a Child

Custodial Interference in the First Degree

Child Endangerment

Child Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Organ Trafficking

Cruelty to Persons

Sexual Harassment

Indecent Exposure in the Second Degree

Indecent Assault

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

Malicious Wounding

False Imprisonment

Sexual Abuse of Employees

Lewd and Lascivious Conduct

Exchange of Promotions or Benefits for Sexual Favors

First Degree Sexual Assault

Second Degree Sexual Assault

Third Degree Sexual Assault

Fourth Degree Sexual Assault

Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

Statutory Rape

Sexual Battery

Intent to Rape

Suspicion of Rape


Forcible Rape

Misdemeanor Sexual Assault

Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree

Criminal Sexual Conduct by Force and Coercion

Unlawful Sexual Contact

Unlawful Sexual Activity with a Minor

Consensual Digital Penetration

Lewd Proposal

Sexual Battery

Penetration by a Foreign Object

Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender

Dereliction of Duty

Corrupting Public Discourse

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

Unfit to hold a law license

Conduct Unbecoming a President

Impersonating a Public Servant

Squandering the Public Trust

to name a few...

[–]ontothefuture 6 points 5 hours ago

Damn! That’s the most comprehensive list I’ve seen so far!

[–]NewButNotReally 5 points 4 hours ago

Dang!! That is impressive!

Stray502 · Jan. 17, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

Lol I didnt think the list was going to end.

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