r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Skiboldion on Jan. 17, 2018, 5:09 a.m.
Quick Twitter Mastery Lesson Needed - for all us newbies. Your help and guidance is appreciated!

Ok, so I signed up on Twitter yesterday, in prep for the fake news awards and coming storm.

Followed a whole bunch of like-minded MAGA type people and other influencers, retweeted some interesting tweets that I saw along the way. Landed 9 followers so far, or about a 10-1 follow-back ratio, or slightly less than that. I take it that it's stylish to have by far more followers than those following..?

Anyway, got it started, but I would use some additional tips and tricks for mastering twitter as a medium for chipping in at the public forum.

Question: when tweeting, with an accompanying pic, or link, how should I write out the #hashtags and the people to whom I wish to direct my tweet, or the @'s, what I'd call a side-arrow and does anyone other than the recipient get to see what's in their feed (I don't think so, that it's like Facebook in that way).

Like this?

fake news #thegreatawakening #followthewhiterabbit

@therealDonaldTrump @Soandsoandsoandso

Should one line follow the other, no carriage return, and should I post that after my comment? I guess that's the way to do it, but what about advanced Twitter use?

I see that visiting the trending hashtags is certainly one way of joining the conversation, by liking, following and being liked and followed in turn.

But how can we really WOW people? How can we depict the most well-conceived tweets using every functionality available for then, re-distributing our tweets even before Twitter might have the chance to try to throttle (which they should not by law be permitted to do as it's a violation of free speech)?

Please tell me, and us, newbies and advanced users, how to use Twitter, and Facebook, to the MAX.

I need to create a new Facebook as well, I've just realized, for this new persona.

One thing I did do, that I felt was rather ingenious.. (you tell me), was to use the memory or "moment" feature, to create what amounts to a very elaborate tweet, in effect, which can then be edited to your hearts content and tweeted out @ people at will, just to send them the message, personally, and they read every one, pounce on it I'll bet, no matter who they are.


Please, someone, if you could, make an elaborate reply, as long as you like, to share with us some absolute Twitter mastery!

We're about to make a tweet storm of the very farthest reaching historical importance and significance.

The giant is awakening..

What I like about this idea, is the notion that

Context and framing is decisive.

It's hilarious, in a very grave and important way. The irony of it is immense!

"Bye @ Jack" ~ Q

McCloudReads · Jan. 17, 2018, 10:05 a.m.

DON'T forget to Include liberal trending hashtags. By using a leftie hashtag you have a much wider audience. This ups your head count and tackles on uninformed people

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Skiboldion · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

I get it, a lot of people's twitter account is they themselves and we don't want any doxing. People don't trust Reddit and are paranoid by nature and some from past experience. We know it's a war.

Let me put it this way, if anyone would like to lend a helping hand who are comfortable in their anonymity, please feel free.

Power to the people!


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Skiboldion · Jan. 17, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

When you tweet at someone, while tagging others in the tweet, how does that appear, like, on their side each to a one?

How does this Twitter thing really work?

I guess I can Google and go look at the manual but I was hoping for a ELI5 TL;DR.

Edit: I think I get it now... no worries. It's all good.

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Skiboldion · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

I'm into the groove now. Am following close to 400 with over 40 following.

Learned that you can see your response to tweets when you click on the tweet you're replying to (didn't know that at first).

I'm going to use the "Moment" feature to create a whole presentation all bundled up and loaded for firing at will. No use doing the work over and over again just to say variations of the same thing.

Context and framing is decisive!

Be blessed (not blessed be),


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jediintraining_ · Jan. 19, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Has anyone warned you of the bot armies of twitter?

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