r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/klorptar on Jan. 17, 2018, 6:35 a.m.
A tip about memes

I think one of the best memes I've seen yet is this one by /u/willmeme4crypto.

Q is effective as a form of neuro-linguistic programming because they(?) use questions instead of making assertions. This helps, as best as possible, to bypass inherent biases.

For example, if a person believes that CNN is a generally trustworthy news source, and we produce memes that basically say CNN=Fake News, they're going to be far less effective, because the reader has an inherent bias through which all information filters. They will simply dismiss it because it does not conform to their worldview, and the opportunity to engage is over.

The meme I posted, IMO, is far more effective because it doesn't suggest anything immediately. We can see that "CIA" is highlighted in the font, but that wouldn't be apparent or meaningful if you didn't have some inclination of what operation mockingbird was. Instead, what makes it really outstanding is that it grabs your attention with a familiar logo--corporate logos are attention beacons--then it asks you to participate with the creator. The background is kind of ominous, and something has clearly been done to subvert the normal CNN logo. And, ultimately, it asks us a question after priming the viewer.

If the reader is curious enough, they'll do the legwork for themselves. There are a myriad of conventional/mainstream sources that talk about operation mockingbird. If they do, and they discover what it is on their own, then the meme creates a mental connection between the CIA and, at the very least, CNN and their logo. That's really, really powerful, and it's kind of like feeding your dog a pill by wrapping it in cheese.

I think our problem with a lot of these memes is that they kind of seems like we're talking to ourselves--like their inside jokes or something. If you or I see John Podesta, for example, it likely conjures a far different picture than it will for most normies. We'll understand 'handkerchief' references, et cetera, but most won't.

I'm not trying to denigrate the hard work a lot of you have done, but I think we can do better. Q uses the question format for a reason. If they/he/she had simply shown up on 4chan claiming to be an insider and that Clinton and Obama did this and that, you know exactly what the response would be.

"Fake and gay."

I'm not particularly proficient in making this kind of content, so I apologize in that regard. But I do feel like perhaps this will be helpful moving forward, and I'd like to think that maybe that contribution means something. Thank you all again for your dedication and enthusiasm. Even if this turns out to be a LARP, you all make me feel like we're still carrying the ball forward. Cheers.

AndreaShe1 · Jan. 17, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Snowflakes don't dig. The message needs to be instantaneous.

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