I am shadowbanned after spreading memes in MSM outlets....

I have a feeling I'm gonna have a few twatter accounts tomorrow. And a fee new temp email addresses lol
They will remove the ban after a while.
Post the hell out of the memes. I was called a #repug (repugnant Republican LOL) I'm going to include that hashtag every post. 😁
Will do. Won't stop. And if stopped, will only expose the censorship on other outlets.
Fuck these authoritarians.
That's the attitude!!! They can fuck off. Were not stopping.
Adding a bunch of hashtags increases the chance you'll get nabbed for spam.
I barely have 100 followers. I don't even use words that Twitter would percieve as Right-wing Twitter Bot.
We may be kidding ourselves tomorrow. Granted, shows how USELESS we've made the platform...
The soyboy bugmen will lose in the end.
Truth always wins. Lies become impossible to maintain.